Monday, April 26, 2010

With the price of gas would it be considered acceptable for the US to open the Alaskan oil fields?

Since it contians what some reports say is the largest amount of oil it could largely reduce our need for other contries oiles. Given we are not allowed to use the land for this will activist be more willing to allow this with the price of gas?With the price of gas would it be considered acceptable for the US to open the Alaskan oil fields?
Tree huggers and environmentalists will never let us drill in ANWR. Go to to sign the petition to encourage our congress to DRILL NOW.

P.S.- Oil companies have larger profits now because DEMAND has gone up. Their profit MARGIN has DECREASED. They make LESS on each gallon than they ever have before. Stop blaming the oil companies and start blaming congress for not drilling in the U.S.With the price of gas would it be considered acceptable for the US to open the Alaskan oil fields?
Personally, I think, not only would it be acceptable but It is really needed. BUT! You have to realize that we (USA) have not built a gas refinery in 20 plus years and in order to refine the oil into gasoline then we would have to ';wait'; until we have the capacity to refine the oil(maybe up to 10 years). There is TONZ of oil in the USA. but with the strict rules imposed by the EPA upon the oil companys for drilling and production It won't happen for many years. This is a sensitive subject for ';environmentalist';. In my opinion ';environmentalist'; have done more to hurt the environment than help it. There is NO WAY the activist will lay down on this one. They just don't think with a level head on this. I'm not in anyway suggesting that we just go ';rape'; Alaska but with the techology the USA has in drilling for oil we are capable of drilling ONE count it ONE hole and tap in to many many under ground oilfields. The fact of the matter is this. WE NEED OIL! without it we literally cannot survive if you take into account all that it is connected to. Yes we are getting better about using alternative fuels and that is great, we should continue to do so and I am confident that we will, but, until that time comes we need to be dependant upon ourselves for oil and sell some to other countries. There are many many ';independant'; oil companies in the USA. Not the big giants i.e. exxon mobile etc. etc. On another note. I never heard anyone complaining about the big oil companies back in the mid 80's when oil was about $15.00 per barrel and It actually ';cost'; the big oil companies to produce gasoline. Not much profit there huh? Let the big oil companies have their profits. The profits will not last for ever. They need to re-invest back into theirselves and that is exactly what they are doing. But I digress.

EDIT: Hey-Holy Cow

Check out a book called ';Black gold strangle hold'; It is based upon some research done back in the 30's or 40's that suggest certain underground rock formations actually ';create'; oil. Thus, ';oil'; very well may NOT be a fossil fuel. Wouldn't that effect the ';supply'; part of the equation. Think about it..did all the dinosaurs go to Saudi Arabia and die?
wrong, Reports say that the oil in Alaska would supply about 5% of our yearly needs, and not for long !!!


we will go and get all of the oil out of Alaska

and we will drill for oil off our east and west coast

all of it ! - every last drop

we dont have a choice because the oil really is running out.

FYI - all that drilling in the US wont lower the price of gas at the pump one red penny. Why ? - because demand is now (or Very soon) greator than supply.

the price of gas is going up and up and up

nothing we can do about rising cost now.
Even though these resources are available they will not significantly effect the price of gas nor would they make much difference in the long run.

The problem is that oil is going to run out, it hurts the enviroment and it fuels terrorism.

The human race needs to find another energy source and change how they use energy.
Alaska,all 3 coasts and anywhere else we can get it.

Build the needed refineries and put all that money into our own economy,not some other country's.

1 Qualifier on this ,if it comes out of an American oil well,it can't be exported.

American oil stays in America for our use.
Acceptable? It's overdue.

Also, there TONS of oil in North Dakota also.

Also, under the Great Lakes. Canada is drilling it right now.
Not only would it take a long time to get any ANWR oil but there is no guarantee that it would be sold in this country. Meanwhile we need to concentrate on replacing oil as an energy source and stop emphasizing ways to further despoil our environment.
Activist will never allow it no matter what! It is part of their overall agenda. They will just deflect any ';gas price'; comments onto somebody Else's fault.......
The quickest way to convert the anti drilling crowd is to stop selling them anything developed from petroleum. no oil, no gas, no plastics etc.
oil companies have posted record breaking profits the last two or three years with gas going up. i really doubt it would make a difference
if there really desperate then i think they would, but it probably wont be no time soon until the oil in the middle east runs out.
We are not going to drill our way out of high oil prices. When will cons understand that oil is a finite resource and that we are running out of it?
YES YES YES!!! Open them all!
It would take years to bring it to market. There are things we can and should do sooner to get away from oil.
There is no gas shortage. So , NO.

Do you really think we'd get that oil for less money? Think again.
Yes and on the Atlantic coast too. There are massive amounts of oil in these locales..

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