Monday, April 26, 2010

Could a strong US President do anything about oil prices?

I wonder why no one in Congress does anything about high oil prices. I know Bush is an oil man and has done what he can to keep the prices high, but you would think someone in Congress would do something about the cost of oil.

If we elected a new President could he or she do something about the cost of oil?Could a strong US President do anything about oil prices?
Sure he could, but he would have to be strong and honest to go with it. There are two things that would immediately bring oil back down to $50 a barrel- ban the oil companies from exporting American oil- we are the worlds 5th largest exporter of oil, and repeal the law that allowed the wall street to speculate in the oil futures market- this was gift that Bush gave to his rich buddies so they could make all they could before he had to leave office. Check out the oil exporting figures on the net. We also have the worlds 3rd largest known oil reserves there is -with Russia first, Saudi Arabia second and the U.S. third- Congress could also repeal the law if they could get enough votes to override a veto by Bush.Could a strong US President do anything about oil prices?
The president can bring about tight regulation of the financial industry and limit wild speculation of oil commodities! He can enforce existing laws concerning windfall profits, and price gouging! And if things really got into it the president can nationalize the entire oil industry for the benefit of the nation! I believe this actually happened once before with the coal industry! Don't ever say the president can't do something about prices!
No, I really doubt they could. I don't think it's so much that the oil prices are going up, or that food and others items are inflated. Our dollar has decreased so much, so quickly that the real cause is that our dollar is finally not worth squat. There are too many dollars, chasing too few a goods. And they keep finding ways to put more dollars into play, which everyday, makes our current dollar's value plummet.
Well gas prices obviously have soared since Bush was in office and uh he was in the oil business a long time ago, seems like it's his fault lol. If a president can't help the oil cost nobody can, it's a crime it's so high
Oil price is not controlled by the US. The leverage that had in the Gulf is now waning with the beating they got in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. The whole Arab world is turned hostile to the US. Hence, to control the oil price by the USA is a pipe dream.
No new refineries have been opened here in the past 25 years. When Bush gave big oil a $2 billion tax break, it could have come with the stipulation that the money be spent on new refineries.
He sure could , first he could tell the OPEC nations that the free ride from the US is over. Suspend military aid and force more oil production , regulate oil companies and cap prices for diesel fuel to school systems that bus our children....
The US doesn't produce enough oil to make a big difference in the oil market. The only way we can do anything about it is to stop using so much oil.

yeah, right. I don't see anybody parking their cars, do you?

Strong Presidents have for the past 70 years allowed Americans to squander their precious oil reserves, as well as everyone elses.

You pay for the fuel your grandparents wasted.
he could nationalize the oil companies.
I believe a President may be able to help but that real change will have to come from the people.
you can regulate it but i do not like the government doing such things, a strong president could start a national campaign to reduce our dependency, why not call for a one day gas boycott, say on Sunday where no one drives or fills up, that would reduce our dependency by %14 right there which would bring down prices.

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