Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Will Obama investigate oil prices as he has promised if he is elected president?

yes and Bush/Cheny are doomed because:

Bush is = Pro War, Pro Gas Price increase

Dick Cheney = Ex-CEO of Halliburton

Halliburton = A big Iraq war profiteer

Republican Party = Rich People鈥檚 Profit ProtectorWill Obama investigate oil prices as he has promised if he is elected president?
The reason Congress has such low ratings is because of useless investigations such as this.

Congress IS Democratic in case you have failed to notice.

There is no way that the US can ';cap'; the price of a barrel of oil.

Oil is an internationally traded commodity over which the US has no control.

The only thing that could be done is to allow more exploration and drilling in the US, build more refineries, use more clean-burning coal and nuclear energy.

Unfortunately, the Democrats and their special interests have blocked all of that.

Consequently, the best thing you could do, is vote for McCain and Republicans.

Not the answer you want to hear, I'm sure.

Please go study up on this issue.

As long as you continue to think and vote as you do, we're all doomed to pay higher gas prices thanks to the Democrats.Will Obama investigate oil prices as he has promised if he is elected president?
He probably would.

As an aside, did you say ';cap on oil prices';?

In case you may have missed out on this, my dear, the world's supply of oil isn't controlled by the United States. For that reason, we could easily ';cap'; oil prices. But it would have the same effect as if you capped gas prices at your local gas station. Let's say you offered to pay them $1.00 per gallon. They would simply laugh at you and sell it to someone else who would pay market price, let's say $4.00, for it. If there was no demand, they would take the next highest offer, until they sold it, for let's say, $3.98 a gallon. And if they dropped it to $3.80, they'd have a line a block long, and you would STILL not have any gas in your tank, because you ';capped'; your price!

The same goes for oil prices. If we ';cap'; oil prices (this makes me laugh, no offense) the oil won't show up, and there will be no incentive to drill for, or supply any more, because the US won't be a consumer. Not a very good situation dear. And I needn't go into what would happen if we got to the point where we didn't have oil flowing all the time...
Congress (Republicans and Democrats) have examined the records of oil companies 6 of the last 10 years and have never found any evidence of wrongful actions. But any time a lib wants to get extra votes they start decrying the evil oil executives because they know that their base is simple enough to believe a lie if it is repeated often enough.
';With an all democratic congress will he be able to get legislation passed putting a cap on the amount oil companies are allowed to chared the USA per barrel of oil?';

Oh dear... We already tried this in the 1970s. Tell you what, if the global market is offering X-price for a barrel of oil, and I say, well, my country is only going to pay (X-Y), guess what? I'm not going to sell that country any oil.

And then what happens? Well, we've already banned drilling off of almost our entire coastline. So we'll have massive shortages of oil and massive lines will develop at the pumps. You'll have people sellling gas on the black market for far more than what it's capped at, simply because there isn't enough there to take care of matter.

What you people need to understand is that our nation's largest oil corporation, Exxon-Mobile, only controls 1.08% of the world's oil reserves. Oil is a global commodity. Most of it is controlled by vastly inefficient, state-run socialist corporations. If anything, having an extremely efficient supplier like Exxon allows us to enjoy the world's lowest oil prices of any oil net importer.

Obama can investigate all he wants. The profit margin of oil corporations is only about 8%. If he does, it's a mere witch hunt. Until the US opens its own resources to extraction, expect prices to continue to rise.

Our nation has an abundance of energy wealth and the technology to produce nuclear energy---even to create synthetic petroleum via carbon extraction from the air using nuclear energy, but the Democrats and the environmental lobbies have blocked us from using any of it.
We have no legislative control over the oil producing countries or the free markets that dictate crude oil pricing. It is simple economics, supply %26amp; demand. What is there to investigate?

Low interests rates and the mortgage mess reduce domestic and foreign investment in the US, the dollar is worth less, and it takes more devalued dollars to buy oil.
He is a liar, but believe as you must. The president has no power over the price of oil. It is the consumpsion of oil by China and India and our poor and outdated refineries causing the price to rise. But that is too much to ask a liberal to understand, esp the tennie bopper ones here at YA.
He would probably try but it will not do any good . Besides there's a new energy source coming out this year that's going to amaze the entire world and change the way we live anyway so that's the least of my worries but all these wars need to end now
They already are. OPEC isn't pumping any more than they were in 1999 and world usage has increased. We have plenty of our own but our Congress and Senate have made it off limits to us. I guess they rather send our money to OPEC than to keep it here.
I'm conducting my own investigation of oil prices

according to my investigation, oil prices are really high

investigation closed
Seriously - how do you expect Congress to impose price controls on other countries? Where do you think that the oil companies are getting their oil?

Congressional hearings have already taken place this year.
Congress is doing that right now. Oil companies are doing the same thing the did under Reagan. Steal from the American people.
That inexperienced, empty suit will finally learn that a President doesn't have control over oil prices.
Why would anyone believe anything this man says when he constantly is changing, have you ever heard about the boy who cried wolf?
Obama sucks!!! Fuel in America is the lowest in the world people!!! He's just saying that so you would be stupid enough to vote for him!!
NO, the oil companies already own him.!
It'll probably happen before that. Congressional committee chairs are working now.
no he will kiss the *** of big buisness like all before him and he wont win the presidancy because he is not qualified to run this country
Yes and he will investigate Bush, Cheney and their cronies war crimes too..

he will do nothing like the last liberal president
Ever heard of supply and demand???
Of course.
we've had a democratic Congress since 2006-bush had our country since 2000-hopefully with a dem pres things can get done

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