Monday, April 26, 2010

Why dont we rebel against the price of gas when the oil companies are making record profits?

Good idea. Stop using it and the price plummets.Why dont we rebel against the price of gas when the oil companies are making record profits?
America is made for vehicles, so there's no way you can simply stop purchasing gas. However, here's something to think about:

If everyone would agree to purchase fuel from say, one or two major oil companies only, and leave the rest to suck wind, wouldn't that cause an uproar within the industry itself? How soon would the companies left out be pressuring the other companies to lower their prices? Or you could be playing one off against the other to lower prices. It's worth a try.

The only problem is, will people in great numbers co-operate? It would take a super organizer and lots of media coverage. By the way, don't count on the media - they're part of the problem.Why dont we rebel against the price of gas when the oil companies are making record profits?
The profit percentage made by the oil companies is less than most corporations. They are making record profits because the price is higher due to low supply and high demand. Profit percentage of cost is still low.

Boycotting would do nothing as everyone would still need to use the same amount of gas during the week so they would just fill up the day before or day after the boycott. Gas stations may just send home the attendants without pay on the day of the who are you really hurting.

Boycotting single companies would do nothing...remember supply and demand. Stations with no business would drop prices slightly and the customers would come scurrying back. Stations not boycotted would see increased demand and would increase the price.

The answer! Ride your bike, walk or car pool. REAL decreased demand is the ONLY way pices will drop.
Excellent question - Yes, yes. I would boycott a desingated day if I knew it in advance. We would need to target one company at a time and decide days for us comsumers that would have the most impact on their bottom line. I would get the word out in my area. I am paying some 3.89 a gallon right now and I am sick to death of it. It has been higher. So is everyone else I know. I know so many others who feel the same. Set up an email address and let's go. I'm in as of right now. If you are serious, email minnie. We can connect up from there.



sunday drives


people like how they can just get in the car and GO! they'd still buy it at $8 a gallon because the car has to move! otherwise it's junk!
The oil companies are not the reason for high prices. Boycott OPEC, and be pissed that the american dollar is crap.
Actually, Congress has issued an investigation on the oil companies.
We'd have to rebel against ourselves since we are the reason they are making record profits.

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