Monday, April 26, 2010

Regarding the price of oil, Why do Americans blame everything else other than their own personal consumption?

To tell the truth, we americans are all , what you might say, ';Spoiled';. We have had plenty of everything, including Gasoline, for so long we just can't see ourselves doing with less than usuall. True if we would realize our consumption and deal with it before it is a have-to case, we would be better prepsred for the future. But America is not like that, we have plenty so we use it and when we don't get enought, we look for somebody to be in fault.Regarding the price of oil, Why do Americans blame everything else other than their own personal consumption?
For the record I am an American Report Abuse
Regarding the price of oil, Why do Americans blame everything else other than their own personal consumption?
Yea, I've been spoiled by our great government who let's illegal immigrants take my health care, and childs education away. Yea I've been spoiled by legal immigrants not having to pay taxes for 5 years. Yea I've been spoiled by the oil companies that pander to Bush. Report Abuse

Oil prices are controled by OPEC. (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) is an International Organization made up of eleven oil producing nations.

OPEC鈥檚 mission is to coordinate %26amp; unify the petroleum policies of Member Countries %26amp; ensure the stabilization of oil prices in order to secure an efficient, economic %26amp; regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers %26amp; a fair return on capital to those investing in the petroleum industry.

Variations in gasoline prices are not due to differences in crude prices, but to widely varying levels of taxation in the major consuming nations... an example of this would be in Canada where on every litre of gas sold, almost 40% of that goes to the government.
Many of us have cut back consumption. The problem is we have not been living with high prices as long as other countries have so mass transit is not up to par. I know in the NY metro area they are adding more buses and trains to keep up with the demand of more riders. Also people cannot just get rid of the cars they have for more efficient ones in a short time due to financial constraints. Lastly, this country is spread out and it is not unusual to be 30 miles or more from your job (in my case it's 45 miles). Mass transit is not available in some areas.
And why do nerdy little twerps want to blame EVERYTHING on Americans ? Why don't you go hug MAN,BEAR,PIG Al Gore !
Because thats what we do... Pass the Buck
well i agree that Americans consume way too much gas, i mean you look around and there are people driving huge trucks and SUVs and there is only one person in the car, what a waste. but on the other hand look at the profits the oil companies are making, they are charging sooo much money so that they can make billions of dollars, its a monopoly and it sucks.
Americans obviously take no responsibility at all for anything anymore. Now go ride your goat down the street and look for a wife with a veil over her face.
Supporting the Shah created islamic fundamentalism and anti-US hatred? How silly!

Supporting fascist dictators led to communist groups overthrowing US-backed regimes? What a crazy notion.

Driving SUVs that get 8 MPG and encouraging other countries to do the same causes gas prices to rise? Only a fool would say that.

Remember, this is the US we're talking about, a country where nobody is responsible unless you can blame somebody else and sue them for money.
because they are all really stupid and can't figure out why we just can't bomb the places that sell them the oil to make it cheaper. I blame the schools.
You must be from England?

We don't have safe bike paths...we HAVE to drive.

USA is LARGE ....people drive farther for work, etc.

We are afraid of motor bike due to our bad drivers.

Large vehicles have been our mode for years...they are still around.

Our cities are more spread walking

....and, maybe we are just spoiled.
I think a better question is...why is it that people act like Americans are such horrible, ignorant people and yet, when their a$$es get bombed, or an earthquake occurs, or there are people starving to death, the Americans are the ones who pitch in the most money, the most aid and the most time into helping you losers out? That's the real friggin question!

I am so f-ing sick of people bashing us when we donate more aid (financial and tangible) than ANY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE PLANET!
well for me personally, i am actually using less gasoline than i was three years ago, but im still paying more. so i dont think consumption is the problem for me amyways. its all the soccer moms in SUVs
Quire simply, it's down to ignorance. I don't mean this nastily, but they don't have all of the information.
hm... i don't believe that everyone does, but (at the risk of doing just what you said but wanting to remind you) the middle class population and manufacturing in countries like india, china, and other previously ';3rd world'; locations is growing so quickly that the demand for oil has risen dramatically. The supply has not risen enough to keep up with demand. Of course I consume whatever my car requires, but I do think the price has gotten out of hand recently. I am looking forward to having other options that are, if not immediately cheaper, at least renewable, cost effective, and better for the environment.

And KUDOS to you Jennifer... for reminding people of our many charitable acts. I agree with you totally.
Because most of them were asleep that morning when I taught their Economics class.
We call those people

(Blame everything and everybody else)


They are EXPERTS at crying and blaming...

One Repug website sells stickers that says





They don't have moral values,

They have TWISTED values!
Because Americans are greedy, over-consuming, needy turd burglars. That's why I stopped saying the pledge of allegiance...that's why I stopped praying for our troops, stopped voting, stopped believing in a ';brighter tomorrow through capitalism';...most Americans are sheep, and follow their leaders blindly without seeing the big picture, or if they do, don't have one patriotic bone in their body to do a damn thing about it. I relinquish my title as an American and call myself an Earthling now. Yes, sheetheads, this reply is for any ashhole who drives a Lincoln Navigator, Cadillac Escalade, Hummer2, or anything else pretensious that gets about 10 miles per gallon. Maybe they should cover the gasoline hikes with a special, ';Pretensious Ashhole Tax';...woof.
I do not think Americans should blame their consumption for the inflated oil prices.

In pure mathematical terms, at worst the oil price is correlated to Gross Domestic Product around the world and this GDP has remained essentially flat during the past six years after a stellar growth in the previous decade. Hence there is no fundamental reason for the oil price to rocket from $12 barrel to $75 a barrel other than that it is a manipulated commodity. When certain oil Czars take power they are able to shield themselves from law and enrich their wealth at the cost of naive Americans.
Because price-gouging is real and has a long history in the oil industry. Because there is no reason for a 30 cent hike in one day when the crude prices do not show the same percentage of increase. Because greed is the largest factor involved in getting goods from producer to consumer.
Hey, some people have to keep consuming no matter what.

Ask this question to people whose livelihood relies on gas consumption

Ask taxi drivers to drive less

ask lawn care workers to not mow lawns

ask truck drivers to not deliver their goods to stores as often

Have you ever used Fed-Ex or UPS?

If so, then don't d o it anymore because it takes gas for those companies to deliver your package. Just by sending a letter in the mail you are asking the postal service to use gas.

Why don't you walk the letter to it's destination and help us conserve oil.

Wake up and see that everything involves gas!
We are highly uneducated of the subject and it requires little effort to complain. We Americans are extremely self centered. Name anther country who's citizens will base their daily schedule on a TV series. But the current price is not budging the American life style. The drive-thru at KFC is still pretty popular. It is rather annoying to have a line with at least a fifteen minuet wait and no one comes inside.

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