Basically, America is facing a trying time of oil prices skyrocketing with no sign of the prices coming down. Since most people in the US are reliant on oil for transportation purposes, I think oil companies are just milking the public for all they can get until everybody just gives up driving and rides bicycles to work. What do you think?Do you think the gasoline price is going up because of the Iraq war or due to the greed of oil tycoons?
You're probably right. They keep saying it's because the refineries can't produce fuel fast enough. I really don't buy that load at all.Do you think the gasoline price is going up because of the Iraq war or due to the greed of oil tycoons?
If you are wondering about the current increases then the answer would be that the price of gasoline always increases during the ';summer'; months because of the law of supply and demand. During these months, more people take vacations and drive their cars on those vacations so the demand for gasoline increases therefore the price of the gasoline increases because the supply is a fairly fixed quantity.
If you are wondering about the extreme prices over the last few years I would say that it is a combination of the disruption in the supply of oil (from OPEC and from the various wars) and the overabundance of greed in the boardrooms of the oil companies.
All of the above. But one thing we can do to reduce gasoline consumption, and thus ease demand, is stop using drive-thru lanes at banks, fast-food restaurants and other places. Not only does this waste a lot of gas, it is unnecessarily polluting the air.
They know they can get away with it and they do. No one in this decade or the next at least is going to give up their cars, alot of us just cant. I have a job that requires travel all day,theres no way i could use any other kind of transportation. So im screwed like alot of other people, and theres nothing we can do, they will keep making money all the while we are losing more and more due to higher gas prices, and business are going to lose more and more because leisurely travel is just to they are wrecking the economy and going home with full pockets, while we are all going broke. its disgusting.
i believe the war is all about the greed for oil
and the oil companies are milking it for all its worth. If iraq and Iran had no oil the USA would not be there at all.
im still waiting for those weapons of mass destruction to be dug up
Ha ha....I'm thinking of all those executives (oil included!) riding thir bikes to work :p
Other than that, I'm in complete agreement. It was only a few short months ago that gasoline was under two dollars a gallon; we were at war with Iraq THEN too. I actually heard one newsman say that the oil companies blamed high prices on a ';strained'; relationship with Iran---WHEN in recent memory, HAVEN'T relations with Iran been strained?!
All we need to do is recall Exxon's record profits last year---that says it all.
i think that the oil companys, can not find any under the ground cause the earth cant keep up with what we are doing to it and this is also globe warming thing to that has a part to these too
that, and the millions of chinese who are buying new cars.
How about the fact that global oil consumption has surged considerably in the past few years.
China and India are becoming rapidly industrialized, and as such are demanding more and more oil themselves. New production hasn't been able to keep pace.
Does it really matter what i think the reason for rising prices are? My thoughts will not change things. Only i think i would be more considerate of the other people living in the world besides making a profit on what i owned, it's really not an American way of doing business, at least not the way i was taught.I really think something needs to be done about filing criminal charges against oil companies doing business in America, they are not helping us they are hurting us and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of those out of control products played in the monopoly games over lives.
If Iraq were the cause of our oil prices going up that would indicate that we got much of our oil from those countries near Iraq. We do not. We get most of our oil from Venezuela, Mexico, Canada and a few other countries not in the Middle East. We get less than 20% of our oil from Iraq.
Oil companies seem to be using the Middle East as an excuse to raise oil prices and then blame it on ';possible storm damage'; from hurricanes, refinery problems, crude oil price hikes, etc., etc., etc. Gasoline prices shoot up instantly. ..... But .... when crude prices go down ... the gas pump prices don't follow.
No new refineries in the past twenty years? Sounds like a problem to me. Oil companies spending money on new refineries ..... sounds like another price hike at the pumps to me.
Exon Mobil reported record profits again. Prices went up. Hummmm, sounds fishy to me.
yes i agree that the oil company's are milking the public, but the government has provided them the means in which we are dependent on oil to get along in the us of A. big oil lobby's congress to not pursue alternate forms of energy or high speed rail, or ocean tide generation of electricity which has been available for years,green peace helps the oil company's buy not allowing nuclear power plants(go figure).the latest spike in gas prices is coming from lack of refined gasoline from Venezuela. the communist dictator Hugo Chavez doesn't like us.the oil refineries in Venezuela were built by oil company's that couldn't get through the red tape of getting one built here in the USA so they decided it would be less red tape to build refineries in Venezuela... that worked until that country was taken over by communists!!!now refined gasoline that would normally be going to the USA is going to Iran and china!!thanks to a corrupt government that has been getting campaign money from corrupt lobby's for longer than i have been alive (37 yrs)
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