Friday, December 18, 2009

With oil prices and demand on the rise are you now more supportive of local drilling efforts ?

Oil is obviously something we're going to need for a long time. Why not extract what we have in an environmentally sound way?With oil prices and demand on the rise are you now more supportive of local drilling efforts ?
I've always been supportive of drilling our own oil.With oil prices and demand on the rise are you now more supportive of local drilling efforts ?
Not really because it won't affect supply that much. Especially if done in a more cost-prohibitive environmentally sound way.
I am totally in favor of drilling for domestic oil whether it be in Alaska or off-shore..
NO! I'm in support of the car companies giving the consumers more responsible choices!

Remember the Geo Metro? Yeah, it was ugly, but it got 60 MPG. Why don't the car companies dust off that technology again?!! Why does it take an act of Congress to make them act! They HAVE the technology for engines to get 60, 70 or 80 MPG...why don't the consumers get it?
we don't have to need it for a long time. we should be looking for other fuels that don't harm the environment and cause us to fall in debt with other countries. i support local drilling efforts only if the alternative is to drill overseas.
That's what I have been saying. People have been talking about this solar energy crap for decades, and I am still waiting. Until the day that it happens, we should use what we have. Drill away.
With their massive profits setting new records every year, maybe they should devote massive amounts of revenue to developing actual environmentally safe sources of energy.

What has the oil industry done to make anyone believe they do anything in an environmentally sound way?
No I'm more in favor of alternative fuel sources.
Oil is only something we will need for a long time if we continue to force it to be, and we should be spending a lot more of our focus on instituting some of the alternative methods... Now that being said I'd rather drill local than continue to funnel money into the hands of Middle Eastern governments that support terrorism.
No, I don't support local drilling because so called ';local'; drilling will not be processed for US consumption. Everyone is just kidding themselves if they think they will get all the oil that is in US borders and territory. The oil will not stay here. I am a bigger supporter of alternative fuels and means of transportation. That is the future and the solution to our problems.
We should be going with alternate energy...not drilling for more.

As long as we have oil we will waste it, just like before.

Supply and demand is what is making the prices so high.

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