And the answers that accuse me of not caring about the poor children who are dying because of the actions of the evil jews will be reported and being just stupid idiots who don't understand that you can't fire missiles forever and not have them fired back!
It is a shame that innocent children die because of idiots who are in power, Hamas=DamassWhy are oil prices going up because of what is happening in gaza?
Since we are hostages to the peaceful arabs who decided to cut oil production to push up prices, we note that the oil supply has diminished but the demand is constant so prices rise.
By the way...anytime you see or hear the word Zionist used you can bet it is a Jew hater using it to advance a political agenda instead of answering a questionWhy are oil prices going up because of what is happening in gaza?
It is part of it.
The other part is production cuts.
Neither one have a direct impact on oil prices.
But both have an equal indirect impact, in the fact that both are viewed as potential profit to speculators.
Israel bombing Hamas is viewed a s potential threat to oil supply. Why?
Because the view has been held for a long time that this is what will cause Arabs or Iran to be pulled into the conflict, thus interrupting their oil production.
Interruption to production means reduced supply and higher prices.
Higher prices don't have to be a direct result of supply shortage, only a possibility of supply shortage, because speculators buy high every time they perceive a possibility for large pay-offs. They end up driving the prices up.
Supply cuts do the same thing. They cause speculators to perceive a possibility of shortage and increased price, thus making the commodity look more valuable. hey buy more futures, which drives their price up.
The supply cuts aren't to drive the price back up, it is to stabalize the price so it does not bottom out. like taxes too high or too low, oil prices have the same pressure on the economy if they are too high or too low.
no they don't have OIL in GAZA its because OPEC cut production鈥?/a>
Americans are getting jew from every direction
Is tax refund season, they need to pass go and collect that refund.
relax they are back down to 42 bucks a barrel.
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