If there is plenty of oil and not enough refinerys,what does this have to do with bush and the republicansWhy do people blame the price of oil on Bush or the war?
One of the problems is that oil is valued in US dollars. Since the US Dollar has lost 40% of its value since Bush took office it would naturally raise the price of oil for us.Why do people blame the price of oil on Bush or the war?
It鈥檚 Bush鈥檚 job to act for the benefit of the public. Otherwise, he鈥檚 a useless fixture. He and his administration have acted for the benefit of the oil companies. That is worse than useless; it is detrimental to our interests.
A person above claims that people blamed Bush for Katrina. This is typical of Republican distraction techniques. People blamed Bush for his incompetent reaction to the Katrina disaster.
Bush鈥檚 economic and energy policies and the war in Iraq have all contributed to our current situation. The oil companies are seeing record profits that they have never seen in their existences and Bush has not had one good idea or done anything to the benefit of the public.
Ultimately, Bush and his policies are responsible for the high price of oil, as well as every other traded commodity on the market.
Despite the claims that supply and demand are driving the price of oil, the root cause of commodity price increases is hedge trading. With the USD declining in value, investors with big bank rolls look to hedge the loss in currency in commodities. Futures in oil, metals, and crops are being driven higher by these speculators. It's creating a bubble just as the housing market of a few years ago. Just as the housing market, this bubble will burst and commodity prices will fall.
The bursting point is not too far in the future. The downward fall of the USD has stopped, and its value is beginning to rise. Withing the next month or two, investors will start pulling money out of commodities and start investing in equities. When this happens, gas prices will fall dramatically.
For 7 years he has encouraged using MORE gas and oil rather than do anything to foster conservation. He has spent federal money at an unprecedented rate on an unnecessary war and subsequent occupation, along with counterproductive programs aimed at creating wealth for those at the top. His economic policies have resulted in an American dollar that is at the lowest value against other currencies in history. This weak dollar is the primary reason for higher gas prices - coupled with artificially higher prices due to hedge fund manipulators. He's put no pressure on these traders - nor any on Saudi Arabia or Kuwait to produce more oil. Why would he? He and his friends in the oil industry are thriving.
There is plenty of blame outside of President Bush.
We can blame Clinton for not allowing a bill that crossed his desk into law that would allow drilling in ANWR and off our coasts.
We can blame the legislators who have made regulations that have effectively stifled refinery construction.
We can blame those who have opposed building nuclear reactors to generate electricity.
We can blame our government for not pursuing the refining of coal into oil after OPEC reduced their price per barrel to just under the cost of coal-based oil.
The list goes on...
because its bushes administration that is the reason the country is in a winless, economically draining war that was started for false reason. [umm we went into iraq but found no weapons of mass destruction. oops]
oil price is up because american demand is up partly because of the war and mostly because of weakening middle eastern relations
bush is by no means an innocent man. if anything he should be blamed for being incompetent
dont vote for a leader who cant do anything right. especially 2 times in a row
Because Bush is an oil barron....and if you owned stock in an oil company and the prices continued to rise wouldn't you be happy too?? The congress needs to step in and take care of the situation...
Typically the republicans are for the more affluent whereas the democrats have been supportive of the lower-middle and lower income americans throughout history. High oil prices affect everyone but when an oil exec is in the whitehouse oil prices will continue as is.
We have oil in Alaska, we need to drill..we haven't built new refineries in over 30 years...time to start doing something - but no if we build a refinery might take away from some rich cats pocket and lower prices...lol
There are plenty of refineries. The American oil cartel has conspired to inflate the retail price of gasoline for many many years. Bush and Cheney profited greatly from that due to their oil company ties. They ARE the oil companies, and they are directly to blame for the crimes committed by big oil.
The Bush Administration, like any administration, can help with tax breaks intended for the oil companies. Stay in line, get rewarded with a tax break. Get out of line, lose that tax break. With this administration, the oil companies are way out of line, gathering up the most obscene profits ever seen to man... and Bush STILL ALLOWS THEM TAX BREAKS!
Gas prices are high because Bush allows it. End of story.
are you serious?? burning as much gas as we are now is hurting the environment A LOT and we are running out. we should be out in the next decade or two. and its all bushs fault we are in this war. he made us go attack Iraq and try and kill Hussein and we did and now they were doing so much better with him. he at least kept them under control. now so many americans are dying every single day. ITS ALL BUSHS FAULT!!! . and its the republicans fault that bush is even president.
Because it's true, and you NEOCONS that don't live in the U.S. or can vote in our elections should stop spamming the U.S. politics page. Your making it so apparent that you have no idea of what is happening here financially with our economy. You APAIC trolls need to tend to your own business and stay out of the citizens that can vote here in the United States. America is pretty sick and tired of you foreign lobbyist propagandist trying to sway the weak minds of the uneducated trailer Republicans here in the U.S.
Because some folks think that Bush is the root of all evil- remember them blaming him for Katrina? That he somehow managed to ';push'; the hurricane so it hit poor New Orleans instead of ';richer'; areas?
It amazes me, but there are many Americans who will believe anything!
You're right- lack of refineries is one huge problem- if twice the oil was sent our way, we couldn't refine, it, so we'd still be in the same boat- add this with countries like China that have increased their oil usage
The problem is multifaceted, therefor the solution must also be.
New refineries- drilling in Anwar, reduce consumption, and new energy sources.
Blaming Bush (or any 1 person) gets us nowhere- and accomplishes nothing.
Because Bush family use to own oil thats why they are rich.It's possible he had stocks in it which would make him more rich.If we wasn't in war the oil would not be this horrendous price.Why are we in war?I can't figure this out but I feel that America has here own oil and should be using it.
Bush鈥檚 energy policies have been regressive and almost wholly in the interests of the oil companies. The Iraq war has successfully implemented control over the Iraqi oil and has resulted in taking much of it off of the market.
Becuase it wasnt until after the war and Bush's presidency, when gas prices really started to climb to the levels we have today. By using simple logic, even if thats not the underlying reason for high prices, it makes complete sense in my opinion.
bush put america in this war,war cost millions of dollars.dollars which keeps our economy stable,if the economy is not doing well the value of the dollar goes down.once that happens we can't buy as much as we used to with a dollar so things will go up in price like gas
Liberals with BDS are ignorant, that is why. In fact, it is the liberals failed policies that have something to do with it if you want to blame anyone here in America. Also, liberals are not very rational or intelligent.
People need someone to blame, a scapegoat of sorts. President Bush is a single entity, it makes it easier to place blame on him rather than a group.
It is actually partially because of the war. The war in Iraq is probably the most mishandled war we have ever run and blame goes to the top.
Bush started the end of the world, oil is just a part of that. He's Satan on earth. No, I'm not a religious zealot, but I truly believe this. There's something evil about Bush.
They do that because that is the root cause of the problem, Well more Cheny and the war, but still it amounts to the same thing
They should blame the party that is responsible. That is the oil companies. They are showing record profits as usual.
The oil supplies will not last much longer anyway,which is why the major players are now desperately trying to find alternatives,whilst the arab terrorists burn and destroy their countries future.
Well one because he the president and everyone blames him because he is the leader, two because everyone keeps putting trash on him because he put us in the war
because Bush politics is ****** up and he does nothing to stop the **** he put everyone in , all he can do is tell stupid jokes at his speeches.
cause they need to find a excuse cause they cant bare to stop living in the Clinton era of big and useless spending. they will never stop driving their SUV's to bring little johnny to soccer practice
Well if he and Cheney disclosed the details of the secret energy meetings with big oil, we wouldnt have reason to suspect foul play
Bush is Cheif Oil Man. him know oil, him know money, him not know same Great White Spirit I know. Me Cheif Give Me No Bull Bullsitter.... Humm.... Dwell on this.
Because they dont understand that its actually the investors that are raising the price of oil.
Wow this topic pissses people off. I dislike Bush as much as the next guy, but he plays very minor roles in this particular topic.
it's sad that Hillary is always making up lies about him
vote Hillary 2008 prime
vote ralph Nader 2008
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