Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Describe the impact that foreclosures, high oil prices and low short term interest will have on the general?

level of prices in our economy.Describe the impact that foreclosures, high oil prices and low short term interest will have on the general?
Devaluation of the dollar will continue, pushing up the price of oil, gold, and food.

A lower dollar will mean labor is cheaper in American than other countries, so jobs may stop moving abroad and be shipped back from India and other Third World nations. Americans will be able to compete with these countries in terms of wages, since they will accept dollars that are worth less.

The banks will continue trying to bail out one another with artificially low interest rates. Depending on the actual toxicity of their lending practices over the past years, this may be successful or not.Describe the impact that foreclosures, high oil prices and low short term interest will have on the general?
What the other guy said, sounds like a homework assignment.

good luck
Sounds like an homework question.

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