Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oil prices are low. Is the USA back to its old driving ways?

I have been driving more and I see more SUVs on the roads. Perhaps the price of gas will increase because the USA will not conserve.Oil prices are low. Is the USA back to its old driving ways?
Yup, people are idiots, I'm sure everyone went right back to their old bad habits the second the gas prices went down.Oil prices are low. Is the USA back to its old driving ways?
oil prices are low but they will go up again really soon and really quickly! people are just taking advantage of the low prices!
Yeah, I've seen that too, but I also see a lot of hybrids. I think they really are trying to conserve, some of us are anyway
I havn't changed a thing. I still drive a compact car. I don't drive it any more than I did when the prices were so high.
Yeah, it's scary and good, but I saw Hummers on the road again...does that tell you something about conservation.
Most of us don't really care about the gas prices and don't change our driving habits.

Never did, never will.
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  • How are dropping oil prices affecting real estate in Alberta, Canada?

    I live in a community in Alberta, Canada, whose economy is heavily reliant on oil and gas. (Luckily, I don't work in that sector!) I have been hearing rumours about dropping oil/gas prices seriously affecting real estate prices in Alberta in the near future. I bought my house when the market was on an upswing (yeah, I know -- not the best plan!), and I'd really like to know a couple of things:

    -- Are oil and gas prices really going to drop that much, or are these rumours I've been hearing groundless?

    -- Are real estate prices dropping in Northern Alberta that much due to the drop in oil and gas? Is it a dramatic drop?

    If you can help me with my question, I'd really appreciate it. Please provide as much detail as you can. Thanks, everybody!How are dropping oil prices affecting real estate in Alberta, Canada?
    Too early to have any effect.

    The result I would expect is a decrease in the rate of price change, but not a price fall. (Unless it falls to, $20 or less).

    Why do people blame the price of oil on Bush or the war?

    If there is plenty of oil and not enough refinerys,what does this have to do with bush and the republicansWhy do people blame the price of oil on Bush or the war?
    One of the problems is that oil is valued in US dollars. Since the US Dollar has lost 40% of its value since Bush took office it would naturally raise the price of oil for us.Why do people blame the price of oil on Bush or the war?
    It鈥檚 Bush鈥檚 job to act for the benefit of the public. Otherwise, he鈥檚 a useless fixture. He and his administration have acted for the benefit of the oil companies. That is worse than useless; it is detrimental to our interests.

    A person above claims that people blamed Bush for Katrina. This is typical of Republican distraction techniques. People blamed Bush for his incompetent reaction to the Katrina disaster.

    Bush鈥檚 economic and energy policies and the war in Iraq have all contributed to our current situation. The oil companies are seeing record profits that they have never seen in their existences and Bush has not had one good idea or done anything to the benefit of the public.
    Ultimately, Bush and his policies are responsible for the high price of oil, as well as every other traded commodity on the market.

    Despite the claims that supply and demand are driving the price of oil, the root cause of commodity price increases is hedge trading. With the USD declining in value, investors with big bank rolls look to hedge the loss in currency in commodities. Futures in oil, metals, and crops are being driven higher by these speculators. It's creating a bubble just as the housing market of a few years ago. Just as the housing market, this bubble will burst and commodity prices will fall.

    The bursting point is not too far in the future. The downward fall of the USD has stopped, and its value is beginning to rise. Withing the next month or two, investors will start pulling money out of commodities and start investing in equities. When this happens, gas prices will fall dramatically.
    For 7 years he has encouraged using MORE gas and oil rather than do anything to foster conservation. He has spent federal money at an unprecedented rate on an unnecessary war and subsequent occupation, along with counterproductive programs aimed at creating wealth for those at the top. His economic policies have resulted in an American dollar that is at the lowest value against other currencies in history. This weak dollar is the primary reason for higher gas prices - coupled with artificially higher prices due to hedge fund manipulators. He's put no pressure on these traders - nor any on Saudi Arabia or Kuwait to produce more oil. Why would he? He and his friends in the oil industry are thriving.
    There is plenty of blame outside of President Bush.

    We can blame Clinton for not allowing a bill that crossed his desk into law that would allow drilling in ANWR and off our coasts.

    We can blame the legislators who have made regulations that have effectively stifled refinery construction.

    We can blame those who have opposed building nuclear reactors to generate electricity.

    We can blame our government for not pursuing the refining of coal into oil after OPEC reduced their price per barrel to just under the cost of coal-based oil.

    The list goes on...
    because its bushes administration that is the reason the country is in a winless, economically draining war that was started for false reason. [umm we went into iraq but found no weapons of mass destruction. oops]

    oil price is up because american demand is up partly because of the war and mostly because of weakening middle eastern relations

    bush is by no means an innocent man. if anything he should be blamed for being incompetent

    dont vote for a leader who cant do anything right. especially 2 times in a row
    Because Bush is an oil barron....and if you owned stock in an oil company and the prices continued to rise wouldn't you be happy too?? The congress needs to step in and take care of the situation...

    Typically the republicans are for the more affluent whereas the democrats have been supportive of the lower-middle and lower income americans throughout history. High oil prices affect everyone but when an oil exec is in the whitehouse oil prices will continue as is.

    We have oil in Alaska, we need to drill..we haven't built new refineries in over 30 years...time to start doing something - but no if we build a refinery might take away from some rich cats pocket and lower prices...lol
    There are plenty of refineries. The American oil cartel has conspired to inflate the retail price of gasoline for many many years. Bush and Cheney profited greatly from that due to their oil company ties. They ARE the oil companies, and they are directly to blame for the crimes committed by big oil.
    The Bush Administration, like any administration, can help with tax breaks intended for the oil companies. Stay in line, get rewarded with a tax break. Get out of line, lose that tax break. With this administration, the oil companies are way out of line, gathering up the most obscene profits ever seen to man... and Bush STILL ALLOWS THEM TAX BREAKS!

    Gas prices are high because Bush allows it. End of story.
    are you serious?? burning as much gas as we are now is hurting the environment A LOT and we are running out. we should be out in the next decade or two. and its all bushs fault we are in this war. he made us go attack Iraq and try and kill Hussein and we did and now they were doing so much better with him. he at least kept them under control. now so many americans are dying every single day. ITS ALL BUSHS FAULT!!! . and its the republicans fault that bush is even president.
    Because it's true, and you NEOCONS that don't live in the U.S. or can vote in our elections should stop spamming the U.S. politics page. Your making it so apparent that you have no idea of what is happening here financially with our economy. You APAIC trolls need to tend to your own business and stay out of the citizens that can vote here in the United States. America is pretty sick and tired of you foreign lobbyist propagandist trying to sway the weak minds of the uneducated trailer Republicans here in the U.S.
    Because some folks think that Bush is the root of all evil- remember them blaming him for Katrina? That he somehow managed to ';push'; the hurricane so it hit poor New Orleans instead of ';richer'; areas?

    It amazes me, but there are many Americans who will believe anything!

    You're right- lack of refineries is one huge problem- if twice the oil was sent our way, we couldn't refine, it, so we'd still be in the same boat- add this with countries like China that have increased their oil usage


    The problem is multifaceted, therefor the solution must also be.

    New refineries- drilling in Anwar, reduce consumption, and new energy sources.

    Blaming Bush (or any 1 person) gets us nowhere- and accomplishes nothing.
    Because Bush family use to own oil thats why they are rich.It's possible he had stocks in it which would make him more rich.If we wasn't in war the oil would not be this horrendous price.Why are we in war?I can't figure this out but I feel that America has here own oil and should be using it.
    Bush鈥檚 energy policies have been regressive and almost wholly in the interests of the oil companies. The Iraq war has successfully implemented control over the Iraqi oil and has resulted in taking much of it off of the market.
    Becuase it wasnt until after the war and Bush's presidency, when gas prices really started to climb to the levels we have today. By using simple logic, even if thats not the underlying reason for high prices, it makes complete sense in my opinion.
    bush put america in this war,war cost millions of dollars.dollars which keeps our economy stable,if the economy is not doing well the value of the dollar goes down.once that happens we can't buy as much as we used to with a dollar so things will go up in price like gas
    Liberals with BDS are ignorant, that is why. In fact, it is the liberals failed policies that have something to do with it if you want to blame anyone here in America. Also, liberals are not very rational or intelligent.
    People need someone to blame, a scapegoat of sorts. President Bush is a single entity, it makes it easier to place blame on him rather than a group.
    It is actually partially because of the war. The war in Iraq is probably the most mishandled war we have ever run and blame goes to the top.
    Bush started the end of the world, oil is just a part of that. He's Satan on earth. No, I'm not a religious zealot, but I truly believe this. There's something evil about Bush.
    They do that because that is the root cause of the problem, Well more Cheny and the war, but still it amounts to the same thing
    They should blame the party that is responsible. That is the oil companies. They are showing record profits as usual.
    The oil supplies will not last much longer anyway,which is why the major players are now desperately trying to find alternatives,whilst the arab terrorists burn and destroy their countries future.
    Well one because he the president and everyone blames him because he is the leader, two because everyone keeps putting trash on him because he put us in the war
    because Bush politics is ****** up and he does nothing to stop the **** he put everyone in , all he can do is tell stupid jokes at his speeches.
    cause they need to find a excuse cause they cant bare to stop living in the Clinton era of big and useless spending. they will never stop driving their SUV's to bring little johnny to soccer practice
    Well if he and Cheney disclosed the details of the secret energy meetings with big oil, we wouldnt have reason to suspect foul play
    Bush is Cheif Oil Man. him know oil, him know money, him not know same Great White Spirit I know. Me Cheif Give Me No Bull Bullsitter.... Humm.... Dwell on this.
    Because they dont understand that its actually the investors that are raising the price of oil.

    Wow this topic pissses people off. I dislike Bush as much as the next guy, but he plays very minor roles in this particular topic.
    it's sad that Hillary is always making up lies about him

    vote Hillary 2008 prime

    vote ralph Nader 2008

    How might terrorist attacks on oil pipelines and other facilities drive up oil prices?

    Anything that disrupts the delivery of oil will cause the prices to go up. Traditionally, if a commodity becomes scarcer, the price rises. Additionally, oil as a commodity is very volatile right now, and any little thing causes price fluctuations.How might terrorist attacks on oil pipelines and other facilities drive up oil prices?
    Terrorist attacts on oil pipelines and refineries might halt access to the supply of oil. Since the demand for oil is not going to go down, lower oil supply means higher prices.How might terrorist attacks on oil pipelines and other facilities drive up oil prices?
    reduction in supply drives up the price of what already is. extra money for more security.
    Anything that interferes with any major oil production will affect world pricing. It doesn't matter if it is a terrorist or weather or whatever.

    So pipeline problems or damage, refinery damage or closure, port facility damage etc.

    The world is using more oil today than ever before. The third world energy demands are rising every year. With current production capability we are limited in what is available for us to use.

    Unless we build new refineries and more storage and soon, we will not be able to handle any interruption of supply for very long.

    North America is in a decent position as we have enough local supply that we only rely on about 10% from overseas suppliers. If we ramp up production here and increase refining capability and storage capacity, then we can do away with reliance on any overseas suppliers.

    The problem is that everyone pays world pricing so even with that fact we would pay more than current. Hope you don't mind paying over $4.00 a gallon (in Europe they pay near $3.00/litre or near $10/gal).
    don't give them any ideas.

    Who determines the crude oil price?

    Capitalistic markets have laws, determining the value (price) of a commodity:

    Quantity - Supply and Demand (You try to get as much money for your commodity as the market will bear)

    Quality - (only few countries can deliver sweet light crude, most oil today is dirty heavy oil, costing more to extract)

    Transportation - to bring commodity from A to B

    Distribution - all the middleman want to add a profit to final price

    Speculation - Future outlook of above

    Government - Taxes

    And for the individual country, the value of the currency.

    Its very complicated and I am dazzled by the naive answers you got so far.Who determines the crude oil price?
    No one. The market determines the price. Its simple supply and demand. Recall that 60-70% of all oil reserves are in the hands of OPEC nations and state owned oil companies. Cartels are illegal in the US, but nothing anyone can do about their formation world wide.

    More demand for the same oil means the price increases. With the price increasing, there is also speculation occurring which can increase the price even more. And open drilling in ANWR or off the coast of Florida and California won't make a dent in the price of oil.

    High oil prices are here to stay - get use to it.Who determines the crude oil price?
    Well, it's not specifically U.S.A. They're just pert of the reason.

    In this type of business, the prices are specified by how many people are trying hard to get the product. As for oil, China and India need huge amount of it, and they are paying unimaginable prices for it, so it's like an auction, China and India are giving large numbers to buy the oil for they necessarily need it. Therefore, other countries have to pay very high prices to get the oil, so the prices increase as the need for oil increases!!!

    The blame is on the users too, because they still buy the oil even if it's too expensive, therefore the oil producers just keep increasing the prices. So if we start lowering the need of oil and using solar power or something like that, oil producers would have to lower there prices to get people to buy it!!!
    I am playing very big on oil trading, from Morgan Stanly, Goldman %26amp; Sachs on the Wall Street .

    I bought millions and millions of barrels of oil when they cost $60--$100 a barrel. I expect to make a kill when I sell. But right now it’s only $145 a barrel. So here is my difficulty:

    I already requested my agents spin the media, like: “Oil future looks high, expecting to be in the range of $200 a barrel soon. ” But it does not work price up as fast as I expected.

    I have also demanded my agent playing “China demand high” blaming game.

    I am glad to see that Congress is ignoring 19 top trade group’s letter demanding an end to rampant oil speculation

    Also I am happy to see that the Media did not report it as I desired.

    But how do I corner the oil future price up very fast ? fast enough in time so not to get caught ?
    It not OPEC

    prices are determined on international exchanges based on what traders are willing to pay. and i think the traders are hedge funds, investment banks, and others out to make a quick buck speculating on the price of oil. And while they're making money, the rest of us are paying for it. and that way the oil price is going up
    As much as I loved Andrewch..'s answer, I have to respectfully disagree.

    The price for any commodity is determined by those who trade it, and the relative strength of the currency that it is traded in... The falling dollar and speculative investing in oil are not the primary cause of the increase, they are the ONLY cause of the increase.

    The price of oil has only slightly increased against the Euro and Pound Sterling... at the same time, the dollar has considerably fallen in value against those same currencies. Oil is bound to increase when the dollar drops if all other things remain constant.

    All supply/demand arguments are voided when you consider that there is enough supply to meet demand. China and India are getting enough oil, and so is the US... when was the last time you heard of a refinery shutting in because they weren't getting any oil?

    Then there are those who talk about refining capacity - another falacious argument... if there wasn't enough refining capacity, then that would mean that there would be a shortage of gasoline... since there is no shortage of gasoline, the answer must not be refining capacity.

    Apply some common sense and ignore the partisan banner waving and you can get to the bottom of this very easily.

    Here's a decent article from the NY Times that was written a little less than a month ago on this topic:

    The market.

    You, me and everyone like us, including governments who buy and sell oil on a regular basis.

    Retail traders like you and me can buy and sell if you have a commodity account with a broker

    And More than 30% of the oil produced is consumed by ONE country alone. The US- The Big Brother. They consume so much oil and release the maximum amount of gases and they have still not signed the Kyoto protocol.

    Apart from their consumption, they also have political leverage over many oil producing countries.

    This consumption does not even come close to what India and china consume combined having the population of more than a billion people each constituting a major chunk of the worlds population. Maybe its time the US allows developing nations to develop
    American bleeding heart liberals who refuse to cut off middle-eastern food and water supplies until the prices come down again.

    Will Obama investigate oil prices as he has promised if he is elected president?

    yes and Bush/Cheny are doomed because:

    Bush is = Pro War, Pro Gas Price increase

    Dick Cheney = Ex-CEO of Halliburton

    Halliburton = A big Iraq war profiteer

    Republican Party = Rich People鈥檚 Profit ProtectorWill Obama investigate oil prices as he has promised if he is elected president?
    The reason Congress has such low ratings is because of useless investigations such as this.

    Congress IS Democratic in case you have failed to notice.

    There is no way that the US can ';cap'; the price of a barrel of oil.

    Oil is an internationally traded commodity over which the US has no control.

    The only thing that could be done is to allow more exploration and drilling in the US, build more refineries, use more clean-burning coal and nuclear energy.

    Unfortunately, the Democrats and their special interests have blocked all of that.

    Consequently, the best thing you could do, is vote for McCain and Republicans.

    Not the answer you want to hear, I'm sure.

    Please go study up on this issue.

    As long as you continue to think and vote as you do, we're all doomed to pay higher gas prices thanks to the Democrats.Will Obama investigate oil prices as he has promised if he is elected president?
    He probably would.

    As an aside, did you say ';cap on oil prices';?

    In case you may have missed out on this, my dear, the world's supply of oil isn't controlled by the United States. For that reason, we could easily ';cap'; oil prices. But it would have the same effect as if you capped gas prices at your local gas station. Let's say you offered to pay them $1.00 per gallon. They would simply laugh at you and sell it to someone else who would pay market price, let's say $4.00, for it. If there was no demand, they would take the next highest offer, until they sold it, for let's say, $3.98 a gallon. And if they dropped it to $3.80, they'd have a line a block long, and you would STILL not have any gas in your tank, because you ';capped'; your price!

    The same goes for oil prices. If we ';cap'; oil prices (this makes me laugh, no offense) the oil won't show up, and there will be no incentive to drill for, or supply any more, because the US won't be a consumer. Not a very good situation dear. And I needn't go into what would happen if we got to the point where we didn't have oil flowing all the time...
    Congress (Republicans and Democrats) have examined the records of oil companies 6 of the last 10 years and have never found any evidence of wrongful actions. But any time a lib wants to get extra votes they start decrying the evil oil executives because they know that their base is simple enough to believe a lie if it is repeated often enough.
    ';With an all democratic congress will he be able to get legislation passed putting a cap on the amount oil companies are allowed to chared the USA per barrel of oil?';

    Oh dear... We already tried this in the 1970s. Tell you what, if the global market is offering X-price for a barrel of oil, and I say, well, my country is only going to pay (X-Y), guess what? I'm not going to sell that country any oil.

    And then what happens? Well, we've already banned drilling off of almost our entire coastline. So we'll have massive shortages of oil and massive lines will develop at the pumps. You'll have people sellling gas on the black market for far more than what it's capped at, simply because there isn't enough there to take care of matter.

    What you people need to understand is that our nation's largest oil corporation, Exxon-Mobile, only controls 1.08% of the world's oil reserves. Oil is a global commodity. Most of it is controlled by vastly inefficient, state-run socialist corporations. If anything, having an extremely efficient supplier like Exxon allows us to enjoy the world's lowest oil prices of any oil net importer.

    Obama can investigate all he wants. The profit margin of oil corporations is only about 8%. If he does, it's a mere witch hunt. Until the US opens its own resources to extraction, expect prices to continue to rise.

    Our nation has an abundance of energy wealth and the technology to produce nuclear energy---even to create synthetic petroleum via carbon extraction from the air using nuclear energy, but the Democrats and the environmental lobbies have blocked us from using any of it.
    We have no legislative control over the oil producing countries or the free markets that dictate crude oil pricing. It is simple economics, supply %26amp; demand. What is there to investigate?

    Low interests rates and the mortgage mess reduce domestic and foreign investment in the US, the dollar is worth less, and it takes more devalued dollars to buy oil.
    He is a liar, but believe as you must. The president has no power over the price of oil. It is the consumpsion of oil by China and India and our poor and outdated refineries causing the price to rise. But that is too much to ask a liberal to understand, esp the tennie bopper ones here at YA.
    He would probably try but it will not do any good . Besides there's a new energy source coming out this year that's going to amaze the entire world and change the way we live anyway so that's the least of my worries but all these wars need to end now
    They already are. OPEC isn't pumping any more than they were in 1999 and world usage has increased. We have plenty of our own but our Congress and Senate have made it off limits to us. I guess they rather send our money to OPEC than to keep it here.
    I'm conducting my own investigation of oil prices

    according to my investigation, oil prices are really high

    investigation closed
    Seriously - how do you expect Congress to impose price controls on other countries? Where do you think that the oil companies are getting their oil?

    Congressional hearings have already taken place this year.
    Congress is doing that right now. Oil companies are doing the same thing the did under Reagan. Steal from the American people.
    That inexperienced, empty suit will finally learn that a President doesn't have control over oil prices.
    Why would anyone believe anything this man says when he constantly is changing, have you ever heard about the boy who cried wolf?
    Obama sucks!!! Fuel in America is the lowest in the world people!!! He's just saying that so you would be stupid enough to vote for him!!
    NO, the oil companies already own him.!
    It'll probably happen before that. Congressional committee chairs are working now.
    no he will kiss the *** of big buisness like all before him and he wont win the presidancy because he is not qualified to run this country
    Yes and he will investigate Bush, Cheney and their cronies war crimes too..

    he will do nothing like the last liberal president
    Ever heard of supply and demand???
    Of course.
    we've had a democratic Congress since 2006-bush had our country since 2000-hopefully with a dem pres things can get done

    Why does the United States allow OPEC to ruin the economies of the world and not force controlled oil prices?

    Being the worlds last major superpower , we have the ability to force OPEC to drop the world oil prices by ultimatum. Lower the prices or we take control of the oil and regulate prices that the world can live with. Its now or later.The economies of the world cannot sustain this much longer because sooner or later the poor man will revolt.Why does the United States allow OPEC to ruin the economies of the world and not force controlled oil prices?
    We are the current superpower, but don't think for one minute that means we can change OPEC or have them do what we like! Also the USA is not as dependant on foreign oil as our allies, there are many other countries involved here who do not want us to ';mess'; with OPEC for fear the consequences will be higher prices for them.

    The harsh reality is that the USA needs to open the oil fields in Alaska and increase the use of oil fields in Texas if we want to lower gas prices at home. In the meantime, we MUST invest $$ into alternative sources of fuel, and by that I do NOT mean $$ and environmentally-wasteful Ethanol!

    You can do your part by not buying from the ';big'; companies like ExxonMobil, BP and Shell, as they are the ONLY ones benefitting from this situation.Why does the United States allow OPEC to ruin the economies of the world and not force controlled oil prices?
    your thinking is commendable but it can never be achieved by force, the lessons are still being learn ed from the last c-ck up

    Britain was not capable of policing N Ireland, but schoolboy Blair and his US brother thought they could make Iraq and Afghanistan a walk over, yet the smoke of Vietnam had only just died down
    First, if you remember the gas lines of the '70's they were created by Nixon's price controls. Price controls never work. They have been tried repeatedly and have consistently failed. The reason they do not work is that price determines how much to produce. It serves as a signal to the producer as to how much the product is currently worth to a buyer. It is a measure of marginal scarcity. That is why diamonds are more valuable than water, even though water is more useful.

    To do what you propose you would have to take military control of all of the world's oil fields, not just OPEC's. I doubt we are going to invade Russia or Canada. Being a superpower only means that if you get into a single fight, you should probably win, but look at us in Iraq.

    You are correct, the world's economies cannot sustain this indefinitely and they will not. Alternative fuel sources will become superior options and fuel efficiency will improve. If you want to materially shock the price of oil downward (gasoline prices are highly elastic) then make it a criminal offense to own an SUV and mandate a minimum mpg of around 40 or 50 mpg. From an engineering perspective that is no problem. I get 60 mpg in eastern Maryland when I am there and 40-45 in the Appalachian mountains. Detroit cannot retool fast enough.

    The reason I say get rid of the SUVs is that if you look at their percentage of consumption of the national petroleum usage, it is sufficient, given the elasticity of gasoline prices, to radically down shift the price.
    Be aware about a homeless who thinks like you, It could hurt you when you are eating your hot dog in the street.
    The oil that they produce is not our property. Shame on you.
    What makes you think America has such power?

    Just partly controlling one oil producing country (Iraq) seems to be more than it can handle.
    1. You say: ';we have the ability to force OPEC to drop the world oil prices by ultimatum';. You mean, bomb them?

    2. You say: ';sooner or later the poor man will revolt';. Poor is the one who has almost 5$ per day (more than 50% of global population). Do you want them to revolt?
    Obviously you are not an Exxon shareholder.
    As a Bolshevik, let me tell you that we are very happy with all this mess.USA is epicenter of the world crisis.

    ultimatum ? aaahahahahaha!

    ability to force? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha!!
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  • Did you know oil prices have gone down 11% since Bush took the ban off offshore drilling?

    When will the democrats in Congress finally admit they are wrong?Did you know oil prices have gone down 11% since Bush took the ban off offshore drilling?
    Just watch. If it keeps dropping and gas prices fall more we will see the same democracts who have screamed for years that Bush is raising the gas prices somehow...now they will be saying Bush is lowering them and complain about that. They will say hes doing that to make the republicans look good.

    Hello Dems..no one man-not even the President can control gas and oil prices.Did you know oil prices have gone down 11% since Bush took the ban off offshore drilling?
    $18 in 3 days I think it's been. Let's hope it sets a trend and we will be seeing the results in a couple of weeks.

    I've already seen a 10 cent drop in the last few days in my area.


    Democrats and Republicans are expected to deal with four measures next week 鈥?each side offering a bill to deal with speculation and each side offering its own energy bill. It is unclear how the debate will unfold or what will be in each bill. Democrats are expected to address drilling in their energy bill, though they are not expected to call for an opening of any new areas for this, according to a senior Democratic leadership aide. Republicans have long pushed for new drilling, anti-speculation measures, and increased use of plug-in vehicles.

    even prez bush said that lifting the ban wont produce any oil for a few years. the reason gas prices have gone down is becuz the summer is winding down (after july fourth) and the summer demand for oil is slowing. this happens every year, at the same time. look it up, this part is cyclical (not how high it is, but that it rises before summer and during winter and at the end of those seasons, gas prices dip...slightly. lifting the ban on offshore drilling has had nothing to do with the decline in gas prices.

    btw 11%?!?! i coulda swore my gas cost me 4.10 last week and 4.08 this week. thats not even close to 11%....do you mean 1.1%?
    the reason the price has dropped is because the country is using less fuel, and the speculators are in the season where oil future contracts are expiring and new ones have to be bought. They are afraid that the fuel use will continue downwards, and the increases surplus will drop the price of future oil. That is is the real reason it has nothing to do with Bozo The President and is short sighted decision. That ';new oil'; will not be on line for over 5 years. Because it is off shore it will be put on boats and sold to China. We will not see any of it here.
    there is a problem with that.... oil prices are based on sales and speculation. its not what the oil is worth but what they think the market can pay and is willing to pay. if you look at other factors you will see that overall oil consumption has actually dropped. people are car pooling, trying to do more things closer to home, avoid eating out, etc. because of the affect oil prices have had on the cost of everything. at this point it is in the best interest of the oil companies to reduce the price of the oil to stop this trend and keep selling oil at a steady rate. i am sure that the oil drilling news did have an effect but realistically, we will not see oil from off shore drilling for at least 5 years. they have to find a place where there is oil. build the rigs, get the crews, etc. all of that takes time.
    They wont. They have decided to cripple this country more so that they can claim that it is Bush's fault for the gas prices. Did you know that Obama has no problem with how high the gas prices are, he is just concerned how fast they went up. What kind of bogus answer is that. The dems want us to think that only the government can take care of us and we need the government to survive. The whole argument that Europe's gas is twice as high as our gas is stupid. The extra price is due to taxes to offset the 'carbon emissions' in there cars. Now Europe wants to tax them more for 'carbon emissions' and the populace is started to ask why the high taxes now are not enough.
    My Gas 3.83, you might live in a more democratic state that taxes your gas more?

    I heard on the news yesterday, that Gas could drop as much as .40 a gallon.

    But also heard this morning, Crude went back up. There is trouble at some pump, in......ummm some country. I don't remember.

    I dont Give Bush Credit for Gas dropping, but I also do not accuse Bush of making the Gas go up.

    I blame speculators, CEO's, supply and demand
    That's nice...but read more into it next time:


    Prices aren't dropping under $4. Doesn't matter that the price of oil has dropped...no one is noticing that we are still paying an arm and a leg at the pump.

    Edit: I'm not talking about generally my price...I'm talking in general. One county's gas prices don't compare with those of the rest of the country. And there are many more places where gas is continuing to be expensive, regardless of the drop in oil.
    Yes, but also factored in is the fact that Americans have cut way back on their driving. This was reported in the news last night. Cutting back is very effective, since it hinders those who are gouging us.....in their pockets, where it hurts most.
    Good for you. Our gas prices went up twice since he made that announcement. Also, why didn't the good President do this when he had Republican control of congress? He could have passed the bills he wanted. This is just more election year BS.
    People speak before they have all the facts. What country does the US import the most oil from? SAUDI ARABIA right--BUZZZZZ. Wrong. The correct answer is CANADA. Do your research and stop watching FoxNews and Idiot O'Reilly.
    Things always get worse before they get better. In due time, they have been getting so much bad publicity it's not funny, and I think they also know Barry isn't going to be our next president.

    Just think what the price of gas will be if Obama gets his tax on oil companies, I bet Jimmy Carter is praying Obama will knock him out of the #1 spot for the worst president we've ever had.
    never! They can't safe face if they admit they are wrong. The don't care about us and will fight against drilling until their last dieing breath.
    No, but I am not surprised. Hopefully we will see gas prices at the pump go down some but I am not counting on it.
    Three days is not enough to establish a long-term trend.
    if congress would do the same oil would crash
    Yes, I agree.
    yes I knew.
    democrats learn slowly but they are teachable ,i think
    lol..is this a joke

    Why or how would slowing of the economy actually cause oil prices to increase?

    does that make any sense??

    if the economy is slowing wouldnt that mean less need for fuel??

    and in return wouldnt that mean oil prices would actually go down and not up??

    why and how so??

    Thanks for your answers!Why or how would slowing of the economy actually cause oil prices to increase?
    It would reduce the demand to some extent but the value of the pound would fall against the US dollar and oil (among other things) is priced in us $'s so it would cost moreWhy or how would slowing of the economy actually cause oil prices to increase?
    If we look at the US economy in isolation, a slowing of economic growth would reduce demand for oil and consequently put downward pressure on the price of oil.

    However, oil is a globally traded commodity. The price is set by global supply and demand. So the economy of the entire world on average would have to be declining for the above analysis to hold true.

    A key final point: While oil is globally traded, it is trypically denominated (or ';priced';) in US dollars. If the US economy slows, it is likely that the US dollar will weaken. If this happens, it will take MORE dollars to equate the previous selling price.

    So there are two opposing forces: 1) demand reduction leading to price decline; 2) exchange rate decline of US dollar. The net result could be either increase or decrease in price of oil, depending on which of these two effects is stronger.
    depending on the need for oil .......in North America we use oil everyday so when scarcity comes into play the price will go down. if our economy was slowing down people would still need oil to get to work.......it just the way people have come to live in north america. if people need oil they will pay a premium for it until they cannot afford it.......i think prices would only go down if we found more oil somewhere.....that would lower its scarcity.
    The recent oil spikes were caused by speculators. It`s coming down tho slightly, at the moment.

    Unfortunately, until we can replace it with something else, it has become the most valuable commodity on the planet. I wonder how much it will cost when it is finally really running out?
    You are right. It won't cause oil prices to rise. It might cause the decline in value of the dollar, and oil is priced in dollars, but oil itself becomes less valuable in a less productive economy.
    I think its going up coz we are running out!

    Why do you think the price of oil has fallen in the past few months?

    Because summer is over. They always gouge us for more near holidays or in summer when people are using more recreational vehicles and the need for gas goes up. That and for the simple fact that they can do what they want apparently.Why do you think the price of oil has fallen in the past few months?
    Easy: The US Plunge Protection Team has been artificially keeping the price of oil down because of the upcoming election.

    If you think I am kidding, just google ';Plunge Protection Team';

    Peace!Why do you think the price of oil has fallen in the past few months?
    Mark Foley

    The Mark Foley scandal, which broke in late September 2006, centers on sexually explicit and solicitative e-mails and instant messages sent by Mark Foley, a Republican Congressman from Florida, to congressional pages and former pages.[1][2] The scandal has grown to encompass the response of Republican congressional leaders to previous complaints about Foley's contacts with the pages and inconsistencies in the leaders' public statements.[3][4][5][6][7] There are also allegations that a second Republican Congressman, Jim Kolbe, took liberties with at least two youths, a 16-year old page and a recently graduated page.[8][9]

    Foley resigned from Congress on September 29, 2006. His attorney stated that Foley had ';never had sexual contact with a minor';, that he was checking into a rehabilitation clinic, that he is an alcoholic, that he himself was molested by a clergyman as a teenager, and that he is gay.[10][11][12][13][14]

    The questionable conversations, which took place between 1995[15][16][17] and 2005, are under investigation by the FBI and Florida officials for possible criminal violations. In early October 2006, two news organizations quoted anonymous former pages as saying that they had sexual liaisons with Foley after they turned 18 and 21, respectively.[18][19] Foley was chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, which introduced legislation targeting sexual predators and created stricter guidelines for tracking them.
    People have cut back in usage and the supply is larger than the demand for the present. That is why OPEC is talking about cutting production. Just think if each American cut their use of gas by two gallons a week the price would drop even more. Time to put it to the rag-heads that laugh at us.
    1. Summer is over, gas always goes down

    2. Government (GW Bush) lobbies the Saudi government to lower gas prices. They are family friends so they comply in order to keep GW's party in office.

    Doesn't work.

    Gas prices go up no matter which party is elected into power on November 7th.
    Because there's an electionn due.

    Immediately after the election, it will rise to unprecented heights, irrelevant of who wins.
    Republican lobbyists

    Do you think the rise in oil prices is bad?

    The skyrocketing price of gasoline is exactly what the planet needs. No better solution to global warming could've been designed. With the increasing price of gas and the negative effect it will have on the global economy, the demand for fuel efficient cars and renewable sources of energy will be at an all time high. This is exactly what was needed to fuel the technological race for energy efficient vehicles and power production.

    Although you may be struggling, don't feel too bad. This will be good for all of us in the long run.

    Do you agree?Do you think the rise in oil prices is bad?
    You are wrong about renewable sources if you mean bio-fuels.

    Rocketing oil prices are increasing demand for bio-fuels and vast areas of Brazilian and Indonesian forests are being burned and cleared solely for the production of bio-fuel, because of this there is no benefit (only harm to the environment).

    In addition the rising cost will just force oil exploration and drilling in areas formerly protected for environmental reasons

    including Canada and the N.Pole.

    We need government legislation to force the sale of hybrid only cars which will then force all auto manufactures to further develop the technology.

    Remember, your pump prices in America are still very , very cheap compared to Europe so your consumers will be able to absorb considerable price spikes yet (and still higher consumption of petrol).

    My feeling is that mass produced electric cars will be most desirable if the single charge diving range can be greatly increased (and for a low cost car purchase price).Do you think the rise in oil prices is bad?
    Is it possible for us to go back to the animal days. Walk on foot, gather food in the forest. We have come a long way. I agree that we must find some alternative to oil as a fuel. Bio-fuel, was considered as a panacea for our ills in this area. But, considering the sky rocketing the food prices, there is a lot of hue and cry even against this. I think the solution lies in maximizing our utilization of the renewable sources of energy, like solar, wind and ocean energies. Research in these fields should be reinvigorated. Besides, men should learn to unlearn the dependency on the machine and to use his hands and limbs for locomotion and for other chores to perform.
    No not really. It depends on the position that you are in. If you have the money, you can ride it out easily. If you can't afford groceries, or gas to get to work , it matters not ,how the future will be, it's the here and now that counts- can your children get fed? clothed? Can you keep the electricity on with the high utility bills? Can you run the air conditioner? The high is 97 degrees tomorrow? The humidity in Louisiana is a killer at the high temps. No, this is not good, no matter how it is sugar coated.
    personally I dont agree with global warming, nor does the founder of the weather channel. Its almost June and Its SERIOUSLY been 45 degrees everyday for the past two weeks where I live in Pennsylvania. I know im in the minority however on that topic. I already had to send in the plates to my car and had to buy a bicycle. I live in a small town and there is NO work here. People cant afford 3.85 a gallon when the top paying job is $11hr. The town is about to be ruined
    You really have to question Big Oils integrity. They are making TONS of money while the American people are being forced to stay at home because they have to buy gas at outrageous prices. (60 bucks to fill a car?) They come off as Communists if you ask me, talking the Marx ideology of ';Ah, it's because of supply %26amp; demand.'; in front of Congress. It's funny that they talk about that, on account they simply won't ';supply'; the demand.
    I don't believe in global warming. Pole shift, yes. And there is plenty of oil on this planet for another 2-3 thousand years. I think this is being done to make a very select few very rich. (the high gas/oil prices).
    yes, very bad.
    Yes I do.I am sick already of hearing what other countries are paying.They have benifits we only dream about.I am a great study of history and I tell you someone is bringing America down and we aren't paying enough attention here.Our politicians aren't going to help us yet by the news I heard today.Its not only gas people its utilities,food,clothes,shoes you know life as we know it.You can't stay a superpower with no one paying taxes,this is jobs lost in my town.The reason given fuel and utilities are too high.Just got a 16% electric increase.This business had been here over 40 years,this is only the beginning.No I don't agree where are the new model cars? same as always.What is the price? same as always too high.Even the President said it would be at least 3 more years before those cars will be on the showroom floor.So why is gas so high? Again tell me?Three years is a long long time if it keeps rising and doesn't stop at a reasonable place.What kind of world do you think you will live in then? I can tell you one thing,you won't like it.So you go ahead and tell yourself how good this is,because it will be a nightmare.Think it can't happen in the land of plenty?Its already started.

    If oil prices per barrel have gone down so much than why haven't the prices at the gas pumps gone down yet?

    If oil prices per barrel have gone down so much in the last couple weeks than why haven't the prices at the gas pumps gone down at all yet? I have only seen a 3-4 cent decrease in the last week or so. But when the prices per barrel goes up we see an immediate increase at the pumps.If oil prices per barrel have gone down so much than why haven't the prices at the gas pumps gone down yet?
    The price for oil as reported is for crude sweet oil for the American market. The oil is then turned into various petroleum based products, one of which is gasoline. Additionally, the price of oil is priced in dollars per barrell while gasoline is priced in cents per gallon. And finally, the cost of gasoline is only partially a result of the cost of the crude oil, whereas transportation, sales, and refining costs are other factors.If oil prices per barrel have gone down so much than why haven't the prices at the gas pumps gone down yet?
    We both know the answer to this. It's greed from the wealthiest, most privileged people on earth. They want to kill off most of us, then enslave the rest. They are manipulating one resource that all of our products depend upon, making everything more expensive. This will dissolve the middle class. Soon we will be fighting each other for food. It will be anarchy. They will wait and watch until the remaining population can be controlled to serve them.
    They have already dropped at least 50 cents per gallon here in Houston, we are now at $3.39 when just two weeks ago we were at $3.89.

    Get ready for another rise, because Ike is headed for the offshore rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

    When the price of the oil increases..is that good or bad?

    how does the price of oil increases?When the price of the oil increases..is that good or bad?
    If you are concerned about the enviorment or America dependence on foreign oil it is good. There are many people, both Conservative and Liberal, who favor making it even more expensive by adding a $1 a gallon tax. More expensive gas will cause people to buy more fuel efficient cars, so over the long run most people will spend no more an gas than they did before the price increase.However in the short run higher gas prices are taking a big bite out of the budget of many people who do not have the money to replace their gas guzzling cars. No matter how you look at it. high gas prices are here to stay because the poor countries of the world have growing economies and there are no new oil discoveries that can meet the increased demand. You should choose the next car you buy with the expectation that gas will be over $6 a gallon before it gives out.When the price of the oil increases..is that good or bad?
    greedy oil companies raise the price....it is bad for me since I am a working person, good for the oil company CEO and employess....they have to pay for thier mansion and private planes somehow. I dont think that the $3 BILLION they earned in the first quarter of this year was enough, they have to bend us over even more....
    Depends on whether your a Oil Company or a Consumer. I called for fuel for Monday , At this paticular time the oil company is charging $2.69 a gal. If there isn't enough snow to help insulate some, It can get to be a fairly expensive winter. Because it generally goes up .
    when everythings price increase, but your salary nvr increased.

    that's life.......

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  • Will the increase in Gas and Oil prices stall any signs of a recovery in retail sales, consumer confidence?

    How can it not drive up the cost of goods and services,and take away from travel ,and Restaurants again?Also with credit limits having been dropped excessively by Credit Card Companies and increased fees , Do you think the consumers are apt to cut back considerably on spending if Fuel prices gets astronomically high again?Will the increase in Gas and Oil prices stall any signs of a recovery in retail sales, consumer confidence?
    you can count on it. The high oil and gas prices since Hurricane Katrina is what caused the economy to go to h e l l. When the gas prices rose, and families knew that they had to have gas to get back and fourth to work, they had to stop spending on purchases, because the high price of gas took all the extra they had. No one in politics have yet to acknowledge this fact.Will the increase in Gas and Oil prices stall any signs of a recovery in retail sales, consumer confidence?
    The high costs are the first signs of a weakening dollar and rising inflation. As the economy finally picks up (it hasn't finished shrinking yet) it will only drive the costs higher and those higher costs will temper any recovery.

    A little comparative pricing; at it's peak oil was $147 a barrel with gasoline topping out at $4.20 a gallon locally. Now oil is at $64 a barrel with gasoline at $2.46 a gallon. If oil were to rise to $147 a barrel again that would bring gasoline prices up to $5.83 a gallon. Comparatively gasoline is now 40% more expensive than a year earlier.
    We had tea parties only a few weeks ago...now if only we could get this same amount of people to boycott gasoline for 1 week this summerit might get the point across.But imigine if a nuclear weapon were used in the Middle East gas could go to 10.00 a gallon!!
    Yes as transportation costs make everything go up in price, as well as consumer isn't as wiling to drive as far to part with what BArack has left them to spend.
    If Price of gas gets high enough folks will drive less. As for me will continue to ration my driving time and park it 3 times a week.
    It is possible
    im in retail. sales have never been worse

    Describe the impact that foreclosures, high oil prices and low short term interest will have on the general?

    level of prices in our economy.Describe the impact that foreclosures, high oil prices and low short term interest will have on the general?
    Devaluation of the dollar will continue, pushing up the price of oil, gold, and food.

    A lower dollar will mean labor is cheaper in American than other countries, so jobs may stop moving abroad and be shipped back from India and other Third World nations. Americans will be able to compete with these countries in terms of wages, since they will accept dollars that are worth less.

    The banks will continue trying to bail out one another with artificially low interest rates. Depending on the actual toxicity of their lending practices over the past years, this may be successful or not.Describe the impact that foreclosures, high oil prices and low short term interest will have on the general?
    What the other guy said, sounds like a homework assignment.

    good luck
    Sounds like an homework question.

    Govt grilling big oil execs over price gouging? Been there, done that?

    Our govt has done this before and nothing ever happens. Why? Isn't it because our govt is bought and sold to big oil to begin with, and all the politicians are doing is putting on a charade in order to get reelected?Govt grilling big oil execs over price gouging? Been there, done that?
    How many times do they use the phrase excess profits when in session? If they were required to reduce the prices accordingly because they all receive federal research grants and tax subsidies instead of taking it in the form of profits maybe the public would be better represented by these phony politicians! Remember price reductions not profits!Govt grilling big oil execs over price gouging? Been there, done that?
    all talk no action.

    Why are oil prices going up because of what is happening in gaza?

    And the answers that accuse me of not caring about the poor children who are dying because of the actions of the evil jews will be reported and being just stupid idiots who don't understand that you can't fire missiles forever and not have them fired back!

    It is a shame that innocent children die because of idiots who are in power, Hamas=DamassWhy are oil prices going up because of what is happening in gaza?
    Since we are hostages to the peaceful arabs who decided to cut oil production to push up prices, we note that the oil supply has diminished but the demand is constant so prices rise.

    By the way...anytime you see or hear the word Zionist used you can bet it is a Jew hater using it to advance a political agenda instead of answering a questionWhy are oil prices going up because of what is happening in gaza?
    It is part of it.

    The other part is production cuts.

    Neither one have a direct impact on oil prices.

    But both have an equal indirect impact, in the fact that both are viewed as potential profit to speculators.

    Israel bombing Hamas is viewed a s potential threat to oil supply. Why?

    Because the view has been held for a long time that this is what will cause Arabs or Iran to be pulled into the conflict, thus interrupting their oil production.

    Interruption to production means reduced supply and higher prices.

    Higher prices don't have to be a direct result of supply shortage, only a possibility of supply shortage, because speculators buy high every time they perceive a possibility for large pay-offs. They end up driving the prices up.

    Supply cuts do the same thing. They cause speculators to perceive a possibility of shortage and increased price, thus making the commodity look more valuable. hey buy more futures, which drives their price up.

    The supply cuts aren't to drive the price back up, it is to stabalize the price so it does not bottom out. like taxes too high or too low, oil prices have the same pressure on the economy if they are too high or too low.
    no they don't have OIL in GAZA its because OPEC cut production

    Americans are getting jew from every direction
    Is tax refund season, they need to pass go and collect that refund.
    relax they are back down to 42 bucks a barrel.

    Do you think we are seeing ';Price Manipulation'; in OIL prices?

    The Saudis believe the current price for oil is ';Unjustified';. I believe that there is something other than supply and demand going on...

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080609/ap_o鈥?/a>Do you think we are seeing ';Price Manipulation'; in OIL prices?
    I believe there is definitely collusion between the oil companies (i.e. price fixing).

    But then again the demand for oil from China and India have skyrocketed. This effects supply. Wall Street speculators also pump up the price by gambling on oil futures. And then again, we have our environmentalists that don't want humans to use any kind of energy, lest a sea gull, seal, polar bear, scorpion, or cactus gets injured. Some environmentalists would like to see all humans disappear (except themselves of course).Do you think we are seeing ';Price Manipulation'; in OIL prices?
    absolutely there is, the price is being driven up by speculators in the stock market. a friend of mine owns a gas station and his profit per gallon has not noticeably increased in the last 30 yrs. the environmentalists don't want us to drill offshore or in anwar where according to estimates there is enough oil to supply our current needs for 70 yrs. giving us plenty of time to develop alternative fuels and decrease our dependence on foreign oil. the environmentalists also don't want new refineries built because of environmental issues. guess who is stuck in the middle. you guessed it, the hard working middle class who have to drive to work every day to make a ';living,'; pay their taxes and try and feed their families. i am including all races, colors and creeds.
    Of course there is major price manipulation. In 2007 Exxon posted the largest growth with a 9.0% growth in revenues. Chevron and ConocoPhillips all join Exxon in the Top 5 companies on Fortune 500 list. These companies may not have affected the original jump in oil prices, but as soon as the opportunity presented itself, they've done all they can to milk it for all it's worth.
    Governments don't directly control oil prices. The Saudi, American, African, South American governments don't set prices (at least the free-market governments).

    Crude is traded on the commodities market. Investors and speculators decide the price of oil.
    What was your first clue, of course the prices are being manipulated.
    oil companies sux
    im with u,theres way more going on im in arizona and gas at 4$ and news takin bout it hitting 5$ supply and demand my azz.
    I don't know.So many secrets.
    it doesn't have anything to do with our national debt or anything, i'm sure..

    thanks dubbya!
    you bet ye we are.

    Does anyone else remember the catastrophic effect of increased oil prices on the world economy 15 years ago?

    The rise in price was then only 1/8th what it is now. Why has there not been a disastrous slump?

    P,S. Qualified economists please do not reply : you are the last people to know the answer!Does anyone else remember the catastrophic effect of increased oil prices on the world economy 15 years ago?
    No, I don't remember a disastrous effect although, at that time, unemployment was a problem in Britain and Europe. And it was leading up to the time that we had to withdraw from the ERM. I think that problems were mainly in Britain: the pound was overvalued and the economy was being managed badly. Why blame a slump on a small rise in oil prices? There were other factors.Does anyone else remember the catastrophic effect of increased oil prices on the world economy 15 years ago?
    Im no expert, but I think its connected to supply and demand. There are many complex factors affecting oil production and delivery. I think during the previous energy crisis you refer to, supply was not able to keep up with demand in some areas of the world. Right now it is, just, but a lot of the easily accessible oil is declining, plus there is more demand for it than ever before. A lot of American and British domestic oil has peaked, it makes the supply chain longer and more subject to disruption. Certainly Britain has relatively high fuel duty, but other countries with lower rates of taxation tend to increase it in other areas. Basically the tax has to come from somewhere.

    I'm sure some people will disagree with me, but everyone seems to have a different opinion on this.
    well we are driving a machine that was basically invented over 100 years ago! the engine has been poked, stiffed, bent, and squeezed but we still use the same invention today.

    surely in over 100 years another engine could have not been produced using completely different oils/fuels.

    probably not the right answer to your question but i thought id write this anyhow.
    I don't recall the effects in 93 but I do remember the high interest rates in 83.
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  • Why Did Oil Prices Only Go Up So High When Obama Ran For Pres?

    Everything CRASHED during the campaign- was it just coincidence? Or was it a plan for Dem's to win and get control so they could pass their socialism bill? And destroy capitalism!Why Did Oil Prices Only Go Up So High When Obama Ran For Pres?
    HELLO! The truth is that Gas was at over $4.00 per gallon a year or more before the last national election. If anything, it has come down to under $2 during the Obama PresidencyWhy Did Oil Prices Only Go Up So High When Obama Ran For Pres?
    For one, it started before his campaign. And this was during EVERYBODY'S campaign by the way, not just his...by your twisted logic, whose to say it wasn't McCain's fault? And during his first month or so in office, it went down below $2.00.

    Hah, that was totally pathetic. You moron.
    Actually the elections, which Obama won, were absolutely logical. The first black president, comes after the most hated one. This was expected, only someone should have strong candidate.
    Well, if a candidate has that much power over things, ahem, then why don't you blame it on McCain too? Or how about Barr? Now, he's someone to look at when it comes to issues like this. roflmao!
    .......gas price went down during the campaign season. Oil prices are the lowest in years, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!

    Friday, December 18, 2009

    What's the best vehicle to buy as USA, oil, prices, continue to increase?

    Experts predict the price of oil will continue to increase within the next 5years. The national, average, gallon, of oil price will be at least $4.00 this summer. The summer of 2009 will be worse...

    What is the best, fuel, efficient, vehicle to buy? What about electric or hydrogen, fuel, cell, cars?What's the best vehicle to buy as USA, oil, prices, continue to increase?
    My Honda Civic does well.

    Hydrogen fuel is not for cars. if u have a wreck u all will die. Hydrogen is the most explosive gas there is.What's the best vehicle to buy as USA, oil, prices, continue to increase?
    Toyota Prius hybrid - 60 MPG in City

    I say buy a motorcycle and try to alter it so it will stay warm.
    It depends on your needs. If your commute is short, go for the smallest vehicle, i.e. moped, scooter or small motorcycle, or even ride a bike. The Toyota Prius is probably the most energy-efficient car right now. I've heard talk about them importing the Smart (the little car in the DaVinci Code) to the U.S. There's a French company that plans to put a compressed-air vehicle on the market in Europe, and will license production in other countries. Look at www.theaircar.com. There are some electric cars out there, but right now they're only souped-up golf carts. Unfortunately, the U.S. automakers either can't or won't make a fuel effeicient small car. They'd rather try to push gas-guzzling SUVs down our throats.
    Right now the most fuel-efficient car available is the Prius. The 2008 model gets 47 mpg, and the next generation model is supposed to come out within the next year and get 80 mpg in the city.


    In the next year or two, electric cars will become a viable option as well.

    Available in California in October 2008, the Aptera typ-1e will cost about $27,000 with a top speed of 95 mph and range of 120 miles per charge.


    Soon thereafter Aptera will introduce the typ-1h, a plug-in hybrid version of the typ-1e with a 40-60 mile range on purely electrical energy, and a range of over 600 miles total when in electric/gas hybrid mode, for around $30,000. On a 120 mile trip, the typ-1h will get 300 miles per gallon. The shorter the trip, the higher the efficiency.


    Available in late 2009, the ZAP Alias will cost $30,000, have a top speed of 100 mph, and a range of 100 miles per charge.


    Soon thereafter the ZAP-X will be available at a cost of $60,000 with a top speed of 155 mph and a range of 350 miles per charge.


    Available in 2009, the Miles Javlon will cost $30,000 with a top speed of 80 mph and a range of 120 miles per charge.


    Phoenix Motorcars will start selling their SUT to individuals in late 2008 or early 2009. It will cost $45,000 and have a top speed of 100 mph with a range of 100+ miles per charge.


    Hydrogen cars will not be a viable option for a long time for several reasons, the main one being that there is no transportation or storage infrastructure - no refueling stations, and to build this infrastructure would cost billions of dollars.
    I just bought a Yaris. You can buy an overpriced gimmick and pretend you are saving but I suggest you simply buy a good fuel efficient car.
    My recommendation is the compressed air car.
    Buy a desiel, and make your own fuel for free! it dosnt get better than that

    Biodiesel is actually very simple to make. It is made by chemically altering the molecular structure of any organic oil through the use of a chemical catalyst and an alcohol.

    To do this, oil is simply heated to a designated temperature (to help with the chemical reaction) and then a mixture of catalyst and an alcohol are added to the oil. The oil, catalyst, and alcohol mixture are then mixed for a period of time and then allowed to settle. If successful, the chemical reaction between the oil, alcohol, and the catalyst will have broken down the oil into several layers. The top layer will be biodiesel, chemically called an Ester, the next layer may contain soap, and the bottom layer will be glycerin.

    Once the layering has occured, the glycerin and soap are drained off. The biodiesel is then washed with either a mist-wash, a bubble-wash, or both. The washing is done to remove any additional soap, alcohol, or other impurities in the biodiesel.

    After it's been washed, it is then dried to remove any water. Commonly it is then filtered through fuel filters and is then ready to be used.

    if you are intrested serch the internet on how to make bio desiel.
    The most cost effective high m.p.g. car is still the 1997 Geo Metro at between 42 to 47 m.p.g. with average cost around here at $2500.00.

    Since I put less than 5000 miles a year on my car, mileage doesn't matter much.

    My daily driver is now a 2002 Saturn L200 which gets 27 around town and 34 on the road.

    I guess my point is not so much how much is costs to drive but how much you really need to drive in the first place.
    I rented a Prius one time on vacation in portland oregon, anyway we drove all over portland and to the coast and back and only filled up one time. They really are quite fuel efficient, that'll likely be my next car
    My wife is a real fuel saving environmentalist. I was driving a big SUV that Annoys her.So I thought I would do it her way. I went out and bought a cheap American made economy car and a Brand New Harley Fat Boy. Thinking it would save gas and help the U.S economy. She didn't buy it and thinks I pulled one over on her. I was just trying to do what I thought would help.
    I'm going to use this an excuse to buy a motorcycle. Maybe one of those sporty ones. They don't list the mpg online though. The recent hike in prices is mostly due to speculators who determine what the price will be by what they believe will happen. Saudi Arabia and the rest of OPEC could double their production if they felt like it to bring down the price but they would never want to do that. Gasoline sales have also fallen in recent weeks due to high price so you may see the price begin to fall within the next month.
    dollar 4 dollar...get the smallest regular gas car a co makes..Honda,Toyota [non hybrid] Chevy,ford....dont buy less car than u need...be nice if we all switch to walking and public trans.but i have trouble hauling hay and gravel on subway..oops,,no subway in Appalachia,mountains..hydrogen,e85,elect鈥?are still not as good as gas...diesel? no choice.few stations,,few mechanics..good for trucks only..get a good 30 mpg car and stop worrying
    It's dependent on your needs. It's best if we get more people to use public transportation. Electric cars and Hydrogen is not even available, and Hydrogen is untested. I would say by a Hybrid or a diesel if your state would let you get away with it. Plug in hybrids that is coming in the horizon is promising.
    It will depend on your needs and requirements. Smaller, compact vehicles are the most fuel efficient. Hybrids (gasoline/electric) models are one solution, although they tend to be a little more expensive to buy than conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. Currently, there are about a dozen hybrids on the market in the U.S. More are coming. The Toyota Prius is the best-selling hybrid鈥攊t is a compact gasoline/electric hybrid car that is the 13th top-selling model in the U.S. and it gets 45 mpg in city driving and 48 mpg on the highway鈥攁nd it lists in the $21,000 to $24,000 range.

    Some other choices in the market include hybrid versions of popular midsize cars such as the Toyota Camry,Nissan Altima, Chevrolet Malibu and Saturn that average as much as 35 mpg in addition to hybrid crossovers such as the Ford Escape, Mazda Tribute andToyota Highlander that can average 30 mpg. Some new two-mode hybrids have been developed, such as versions of the Chevrolet Tahoe and GMC Yukon that average 20 mpg.

    Our company has developed an Automotive Environmental Index for vehicles and 30 models are the most fuel efficient and greenest. Some 20 of these models are gasoline-powered models, including Toyota, Ford, Honda and Nissan models.

    In addition to hybrids, there are more models being introduced this year and next year that get better mileage and are cleaner with fewer emissions because they can operate on alternative fuels such as natural gas, diesel, biodiesel, E-85 (15% gasoline and 85% ethanol) and hydrogen gas. All of these optional fuels will help reduce our country鈥檚 reliance on oil. More diesel-powered models will be introduced in the next year鈥攅specially from the German automakers. Some plug-in electric models arrive in 2010. Hydrogen-fuel cell vehicles are being tested鈥攊ncluding the Honda Clarity and BMW Hydrogen 7 Fuel Cell Vehicle. For more information about hybrids, alternative energy and fuel efficient vehicles, vehicle quality ratings, please visit JDPower.com.
    1989 ford festiva

    Why do oil prices rise during turbulence in world affairs?

    I always hear news reports that say things like 'Oil prices rise above $100 per barrel amidst uncertainty on Wall Street.' It seems any turbulence in world affairs causes oil prices to increase - why is this?Why do oil prices rise during turbulence in world affairs?
    Because the prices of all natural resources and commodities rise during turbulence in world affairs, natural disasters, or during any other event that will impact access to supply. Basic economics of supply and demand.Why do oil prices rise during turbulence in world affairs?
    Prices go up when either costs of producing the good go up or the demand for the good goes up. Say there is a crisis of some sort in Saudi Arabia (largest global oil producer) involving violent terrorist activity. Firstly, this might make the costs of extracting oil higher as more protection needs to be given to those who work in oil extraction plants. this extra cost would be passed on to the price of a barrel of oil so that companies can maintain profits .

    Secondly, demand will increase for oil as people across the world become unsure how much oil will be available in the future due to the instability and also predict far higher prices. this means they panic-buy and try and build up their oil stocks as much as possible. due to the desperation of those buying oil and the increased quantity of buyers, those whom are selling oil can push the price up.

    The reason that it is oil which is most affected by global turbulence is, in short, because it's probably the world's most precious resource. Ok there is diamond and platinum etc but oil is crucial to so much business and so many products that it is the most affected by global turbulence.

    its not only the oil! if you think that oil prices go up because the prices to extract the oil goes up, then the resale value to companies that need oil goes up too, so prices rise!

    Consumers cant buy the products as they are too expensive! then the people borrow money to pay and then the banks are dishing out money to those who earn little, eventually they cant pay back the banks and cant buy the products and BANG, no more spending then no more earning!

    Oil is in many things oother than cars. Plastic contains oil!
    That's the news trying to explain the rise in oil prices. They are being lazy because the oil supply isn't being affected by the turbulence.

    Its speculation in the oil price. People think because a butterfly flaps its wings in outer mongolia then they can try and use that incident to drive up the price.
    Fat cats making more millions. It's our great capitalist world, which is now beginning to crumble, after years of slavering greed by the rich. They will withstand a depression, their millions are put away lock tight. It is the ordinary working people who will feel the brunt of their wanton greed.
    Oil is a valuable commodity, and thus its value represents the unstableness of the markets.

    The two things economies invest in during times of economic crisis are gold and oil.
    Fear of decreased supply %26amp; increased demand; i.e. profiteering!

    Does anyone know good sites/articles about gas and oil prices? and the differences between them?

    I need sources for a school project. Any sites will be helpful.Does anyone know good sites/articles about gas and oil prices? and the differences between them?
    Not at all sure what you are asking but ref 1 may be your best bet on the first part.

    ref 2 is not up to date but does include some good info for today.

    WTI is West Texas Intermediate oil

    Brent is North Sea crude

    Oil prices are not consistent but vary according to the quality of the oil. i.e. how expensive is it to refine each type. High sulfur crude will not sell for more than half or so of posted WTI prices. If you need to get deeper into that, post up again.

    Future price of an oil contract?

    I have been searching the net to find out this info. I am new to commodities %26amp; futures. What is the future price for the November 08 NYMEX Crude Oil contract? I can get all details of the contract from NYMEX website, except the futures price, i.e. the pre-set price at which the delivery will take place on delivery date. Please do not confuse with settlement price, that's the price at which crude oil will actually trade on the delivery date.

    Does anyone know?Future price of an oil contract?
    If searching for future Crude oil prices you can go to any of the future trading web sites throught which you ca get the future crude oil prices. Like cbot.comFuture price of an oil contract?
    Use this website to check commodity prices using the intra day charts.

    The prices are 15mins delayed but i think its good enough for free information.


    How can people say that oil prices are not a sign of an economic downturn?

    if people have to pay so much for gas, they aren't going to pump there money into the economy with other spending which will hurt us very bad. also, food prices and other things are going up because of the price of oil.How can people say that oil prices are not a sign of an economic downturn?
    The whole shabang is, as has been, a way to ';test'; the masses, while at the same time, allows Corporate/government worlds to do things that we will not be focussing on, because we will be too busy with surviving the turmoils.

    Foods %26amp; other necessities are not going up because of oil prices, they are going up 'with' oil prices...everyone jumps the big bandwagon as they can. If we refused any future imports unless they took our bid of $10/barrel, after about a week, they wouldn't know what to do with all of their excess, because they have no facilities to store that much, nor the options to resell that much...they would have to give in...go figure!!!

    The 'figure's adds up to corporate/governing structures watching the way the masses handle quick increases...what they are buying, what they aren't, how it effects medical/insurance industry, community hold-up, how crime increases, etc...and how they react to ';little instigations'; like lowering a tax or interest rate 1%, throwing in an ';incentive'; of an IRS rebate, plus foreclosures/resales are a great money laundering operation. All these things become stats for future endeavors of the ';ruling'; echelon.

    These types of things will happen on %26amp; off until We the People say ';Enough of the BS!!!'; and get a new thought about themselves--as individuals, and as a Whole. Our consumerism is our power, but ignorance still maintains great hold of that...that weakness allows us to remain prey to BS...just the way of it. Unfortunately, ignorance, with opportunity to change, but choosing not to, becomes stupidity...and stupid people are sooo easy to control...just the way of it, too.

    Good Journey!!!How can people say that oil prices are not a sign of an economic downturn?
    They are not if you own Exxon Mobil.

    Any input that is universally used will add a shock to the economy if price increases are sudden.

    Same applies to food.

    Eventually it balances out.

    If oil dropped to 50 $ everybody would be happy.

    But it was not that long ago that oil crossed 50 $ and everyone was worried about that.

    Food is the same.

    Plus dollar is and will continue to get hammered.
    High oil prices favor only the oil producing countries, it's the other way around for poor countries.
    High oil prices may contribute to the cause of an economic downturn. I am not sure if it is a sign of it.
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  • What has been the annual average price per Barrel of Crude Oil over the last 30 yrs?

    Yearly average and high and low price each year would be nice.What has been the annual average price per Barrel of Crude Oil over the last 30 yrs?
    i recently read an article in the local paper that had a chart showing the price of crude over the past 25 years. i believe it was 14$ a barrel. in the 1990s the price stayed in the low teens and even dropped to 10$ a barrel at one time. only in 2001 did crude start to go up in the 30s. and it really didnt spike until after the 2004 elections where it went to 55$ a barrel. i hear people say all of the time that politics and th price of crude are not related whatsoever!! well the congressional elections are coming and the price of crude and gas is dropping.(TEMPORARILY). look for it to spike once again by the first of the year, especially if the republicans dont lose the house or senate.

    I luvs me high oil price and high gas price?

    mes going to vote republican again in 2008, go Bush!!I luvs me high oil price and high gas price?
    HAHAI luvs me high oil price and high gas price?
    Your a real winner
    own stock in the oil companies, do you? That's was I call sound financial planning.

    Years ago, why did the United States want oil priced in US dollars?

    Is their an advantage to this, other than the convenience of purchasing the oil in our own dollars? Do we benefit in any other way?Years ago, why did the United States want oil priced in US dollars?
    Until recently, with the launch of the Euro, the Dollar simple had no competitor in the international currency market. Even gold was fixed to the dollar by the Bretton Woods agreement in the aftermath of WWII. Even after Nixon took the US off of the gold standard the dollar has been the world reserve currency of choice; the dollar is/was seen worldwide as a stable store of value. Thuis, it was natural to price not only oil, but a variety of commodities in dollars.

    Alas, all good things come to an end. The domestic monetary policy of the US is increasingly destroying the value of the dollar. The rise of the Euro has also given the dollar a competitor. I would not be suprised to see oil price in Eures in the next decade or so.

    OPersonally, I am an advocate of a return to the gold standrad - it is the ultimate tool in instilling fiscal discipline to a wildly out of control drunken-sailor on shore leave spening government, but that is a rant for another answer.Years ago, why did the United States want oil priced in US dollars?
    All the countries that buy oil have to keep large US dollar reserves in order to have the money to pay for oil. And no country is going hide all those US dollars under the mattress. They put their US dollars to work by buying US Treasury's and other liquid investment vehicles.

    This puts the US government in a good position to indirectly tax foreigners. When the US government prints extra US dollars and keeps the interest rate below the inflation rate. Then everyone who holds a lot of US dollars ends up loosing some purchasing power to the US government. Which the US government uses to its advantage and to the advantage of US citizens.
    Commodities can be traded in any currency. But since the United States has the biggest market, you will typically find Oil and other commodities traded in Dollars. There is no global mandate for this, its just the free market determining that US Dollars are the most sound and stable currency in which to conduct international business.

    You wouldn't want to trade Oil in Mexican Pesos, then have the Mexican Govt fall into Default, devalue its currency, and you lose billions, would you? That is why just about everything that is globally traded is qouted in Dollars.

    With oil prices and demand on the rise are you now more supportive of local drilling efforts ?

    Oil is obviously something we're going to need for a long time. Why not extract what we have in an environmentally sound way?With oil prices and demand on the rise are you now more supportive of local drilling efforts ?
    I've always been supportive of drilling our own oil.With oil prices and demand on the rise are you now more supportive of local drilling efforts ?
    Not really because it won't affect supply that much. Especially if done in a more cost-prohibitive environmentally sound way.
    I am totally in favor of drilling for domestic oil whether it be in Alaska or off-shore..
    NO! I'm in support of the car companies giving the consumers more responsible choices!

    Remember the Geo Metro? Yeah, it was ugly, but it got 60 MPG. Why don't the car companies dust off that technology again?!! Why does it take an act of Congress to make them act! They HAVE the technology for engines to get 60, 70 or 80 MPG...why don't the consumers get it?
    we don't have to need it for a long time. we should be looking for other fuels that don't harm the environment and cause us to fall in debt with other countries. i support local drilling efforts only if the alternative is to drill overseas.
    That's what I have been saying. People have been talking about this solar energy crap for decades, and I am still waiting. Until the day that it happens, we should use what we have. Drill away.
    With their massive profits setting new records every year, maybe they should devote massive amounts of revenue to developing actual environmentally safe sources of energy.

    What has the oil industry done to make anyone believe they do anything in an environmentally sound way?
    No I'm more in favor of alternative fuel sources.
    Oil is only something we will need for a long time if we continue to force it to be, and we should be spending a lot more of our focus on instituting some of the alternative methods... Now that being said I'd rather drill local than continue to funnel money into the hands of Middle Eastern governments that support terrorism.
    No, I don't support local drilling because so called ';local'; drilling will not be processed for US consumption. Everyone is just kidding themselves if they think they will get all the oil that is in US borders and territory. The oil will not stay here. I am a bigger supporter of alternative fuels and means of transportation. That is the future and the solution to our problems.
    We should be going with alternate energy...not drilling for more.

    As long as we have oil we will waste it, just like before.

    Supply and demand is what is making the prices so high.

    Why do gas prices remain high despite the recent fall of oil prices?

    at $94/barrel gas prices should be arround $3.10 per gallon in the US, yet they are at $3.75 and higher, why?Why do gas prices remain high despite the recent fall of oil prices?
    Ironically, gas is dropping in the Phoenix area. Down the street is $3.26 a gallon. We all think it's just so bizarre and think it must be some mean joke by our Arizona politicians! %26lt;guess who that might be?%26gt;Why do gas prices remain high despite the recent fall of oil prices?
    It does seem to contradict the reasoning for high gas prices, doesn't it??

    The last several months, with high barrel prices, ';they'; used that to excuse why the gas prices were so high...they are lower now...and they are STILL high.

    ';They'; say gas prices are high in the summer and during vacation time because lots of people are traveling...in the winter time, ';they'; say gas prices are high because of the high demand for heating oil.

    ';They'; use every excuse in the book, don't ';they';??
    Retail gas prices lag 2-4 weeks behind oil prices. The price at the pump you see now is largely reflective of early september oil prices.

    Supply, refinery, and distribution issues like hurricanes further confound things.

    The fact that I am thumbs-downed by everyone demonstrates a basic lack of understanding here. It's very sad.
    Because a month ago it was at $4.25 a gallon. If you notice the trend of gas prices, they seem to be stagnant and when we get comfortable, they skyrocket. Once they skyrocket 50 cents, we readjust our budgets. Once we are readjusted, the gas prices fall about 25 cents. In our eyes we are getting a bargain because we're used to $4.00 a gallon rather than $3.79 and we want to buy up the gas while it's cheap.

    It seems to me that this is how they soften us up. They shoot the prices up, then drop them down to something higher than what we originally paid for them. Not to mention the outrageous taxes we are paying for gas prices.

    Here's an eye opener. Our legislators set their own salaries. Our legislators also get travel stipends. So these taxes pay their salaries, and they also pay for travel expenses. WTF just happened? Not only do they have any real incentive to do anything about gas prices, but the more expensive it is the bigger our government budget gets.
    1. Where I am at it is 3.17 a gallon (I just filled up this morning).

    2. Not defending the oil companies - because I do think they are raping the American people - but as the prices increased, they did not match the increase ';penny for penny.'; If the price increased by 30%, the cost of gas did not increase at that same rate. Just an FYI on that issue.
    Trickle down economics, voodoo economics, fuzzy math, Fck IDK!

    TG, dude, you're killing me with naitivity, it's really scary...STOP IT!
    It always does seem to go down slower then it goes up..???

    I am sure the refineries being down in Tx have something to do with it. Have you not seen the news that some places have NO gas
    Price Gouging-if you have to have it, you will pay it.

    I live in Omaha, Nebraska and it's $3.15 here

    Its all about supply and demand

    What is the best way to bet on oil prices?

    do I need a commodities broker or can I use a stock/option broker?

    I could buy a oil company stock or a fund of oil companies.

    what other ways are there? is there a ETF for this?

    thanksWhat is the best way to bet on oil prices?
    There are a large number of options. You can buy oil futures through a commody broker. There are a number of ETF's tied to oil stocks, drilling stocks, and oil service stocks.

    One ETF is directly tied to the price of oil. USO. It has an expense ratio of 0.50%. Currently trades at about $69.81 a very slight discount to net assets. It is relatively new having been created in April.

    The most active ETF participating in energy is XLE. An advantage of this fund is that it pays a dividend, about 1.4%. Its holdings consist of large cap oil and oil service stocks. Expense ratio is 0.24%. Largest holding is Exxon-Mobile, 15.6% of the portfolio. ytd return of 13.5%

    There are several other ETF's. OIH, oil service ETF with ytd return of 16.4% and PTH in the same category with 14% ytd.

    IXC global energy trust with ytd return of 13.0%. IYE U S energy trust also with return of 13.0%. PXE oil production trust with return of 11.0%.

    A major play in drilling besides OIH, would be a stock like NBR, one of the major oil well drillers with about 1300 rigs world wide. As the price of oil has increased, the price of renting a drilling rig has increased even more due to demand and supply. But if the demand for oil decreases, the demand for oil rigs decreases even more. So oil drillers are like a leveraged play on the price of oil.What is the best way to bet on oil prices?
    I'd look for a stock investor and get advise from him...Stoke brokers I dont trust....theres a difference between the two.
    i invest in small oil company stocks.they go up 500%sometimes

    easy bets easy money ;)
    You play Commodities futures on the Commodities exchange. A friend of mine makes a living on Pork Bellies. I don't know how you get introduced to a Broker.
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  • Does Congress or President Bush have a plan for handling heating oil prices?

    Gas prices are gas prices. There are ways to cut spending in other areas to make sure you have gas in your car. Does either Party have a plan for three months from now, when the choice becomes rent/mortgage or putting heating oil into your home? LIHEAP doesn't even start up until November and current levels will only carry someone a month.Does Congress or President Bush have a plan for handling heating oil prices?
    I did try to do some research here. I guess because it is only July (tomorrow) this is not an issue they feel needs addressing right now. They might be hoping for a miracle that they suddenly drop (ha!). Maybe they will take this up when they reconvene after their vacation. I do know many who will not be able to handle the cost this winter without making the choice you mention.Does Congress or President Bush have a plan for handling heating oil prices?
    yes!!!! the plan is .......play possum till the end of their term and hopefully the others suckers will deal with it when its their turn to ruin the environment and kill a few hundred thousand innocent people of any other country that previously was used and hung out to dry......... i hear Indonesia has terrorists aplenty and there are huge untapped oil/gas reserves in the timor sea
    It's 'cause the stupid eco-people won't let us drill in Alaska and off the coast. ';Too many dead fishies';, they say!

    It's not Bush's fault, it's congress' for vetoing Bush's attempt to override the Supreme Court's ruelingon drilling for Oil. Congress makes most of the dumb choices, and Bush gets blamed for it. So sad.

    You idiots need to learn how ';Checks %26amp; Balances'; work.

    Bush cannot just say something, and it happens. It has to go through the Senate and Congress. THEY propose 95% of the Bills we don't like and THEY declare war. BUSH can veto it, but all Congress needs is a 3/4 majority to override his veto.

    Bush didn't declare war, Congress did.
    Bush's only plan is cutting taxes for the over rich that is all he knows he is a very simple minded person how he got elected twice is beyond me unless he cheated
    yes, bush and cheney and rumsfeld and co. had a plan for handling rising oil prices - the invasion of iraq
    Prices will keep going up as long as we have a Federal Reserve.